Quickbooks 2004 Basic

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Hi: We have Quickbooks Basic 2004 installed on 3 machines and they use the same data file on a fourth machine. Machines are WIN XP and 2000. What happens is that someone will try and open the data file but QB's will say it is being used.

We will check the computers to see if this is true and it is not. We have checked the running programs by using alt-cntl-del and found that QB's is not listed. To solve the problem, we have to reboot the machine that accessed the data file last and when rebooting you can see a window that pops up saying that it is closing QB's even though we couldn't see it before using alt-cntl-del. Is there a way of stopping this so all users can freely use the data file? If can't do above, is there a way to go to the machine and shut down QB's without rebooting?

Again, the program isn't running when this occurs and does not appear in the list of active programs when using alt-cntl-del. Any input appreciated. Check to see if there is a file with the extension.QBI in the same directory as your QB company DB (wherever.qbw lives) when this is occurring.

It may be.qbi. If that file exists yet QB is closed, it may be an issue of what is sometimes called opportunistic locking from the windows workstation that last opened the DB. QB automatically creates this.QBI file as a crash rollback file in case QB dies during use. When the QB company (the.QBW file) is closed, the.QBI file should go away. If it doesn't, it may be causing the problems you are seeing.

If my theory is right, you delete that qbi file, all should be well in mudville. Now, the next step would be to find out why that file isn't getting deleted automatically off the 'host' machine when QB is closed on the 'client' machine (realizing you are doing peer-to-peer, I don't want to call it server and client so I'm calling the PC with the DB on it the 'host' and the one accessing it the 'client').

You don't want to have to delete that file all the time. Let me know if the theory holds water and perhaps we can follow this a bit further.

Hi Roseanne: I searched as you asked but no luck. I was unable to find a file with the extension.qbi in the mentioned folder. Just for yucks I searched the c drive of my computer, the client and also came up empty. Anything else you or anyone else can think of? Also, just to give you more information, almost everytime I or the other users start QB's we get the following notice: - - - - - - QUICKBOOKS UPDATE SERVICE QuickBooks has recently downloaded a software update. Would you like to install this update now?

(Note: Quickbooks will restart after the update has been applield) Yes No - - - - - - I have tried to follow the instructions to do the update and sometimes it seems to work but then the notice comes back. Other times I try to do the update but it just gets screwed up.

I have gotten to the point where when starting QB's I just click on NO and go about my business. Maybe this is the problem.

Any idea how to stop this constant request to update? Thanks, David.

Quickbooks 2004 Basic Edition

Hi: More info: I just tried again to install the update and got the below error message after the update failed (you got a window showing that the compter was attempting to download files but then it stopped and the below message appeared: - - - - - - - - - - You must shutdown QuickBooks (and QuickBooks components) before the update can be installed. Attempting to shutdown components. You may have to reboot your computer to shut down all QuickBooks related applications. To manually run this update without starting QuickBooks, run 'QBUpdateUtility.bat' in the directory that QuickBooks was installed. - - - - - - - - - I find it interesting that even the Quickbooks installer attempts to shutdown all compnents but can't and then says we need to reboot in order to do this. I also tried to run the bat file to no avail.

Quickbooks 2004 training

Thanks, david. David, Of the research I have done (and from what I've heard from others) QB has had problems with automatic updates for next to forever. I am running QB 2004 Pro and have it installed on two machines (finally got a new PC for myself after eaking out 6 years with my homegrown). Anyway, update files have been huge on the QB2004 product and the 'automated' downloads have been painfully slow even on a normally fast DSL connection.

Basic Quickbooks For Small Business

I don't have a tech solution for you, but I do have a suggestion: if you bought 2004 and registered it within the last 12 months, call Intuit Customer Support. You are entitled to free tech support under certain conditions for one year. Read the fine print and make sure your answers reflect the policy (pay close attention to fine print item #3 and make sure your support call is one that tells them you are getting error messages that cause problems opening QB and also ones that make you shut down QB).

You are entitled to tech support on such a new product and you should take advantage of it. In theory, they made the product so they should know the cause. One other warning, make sure you have all details about the installations before you call, such as OS on the workstations, patch level of those OSs, update level of the QB installs, etc. If they are like most other tech support groups, they will probably ask for that info and may even tell you to go away and fully patch the OSs before even talking to them. Let me know how it comes out.

Another year and another new version of. While the venerable accounting package arrives with the usual marketing hype, it does offer decent new features and is the finest QuickBooks yet. In addition to Basic, Pro and Premier editions, adds new industry-specific versions for retail, services and manufacturing. QuickBooks is a family of accounting products and services that will serve a small business well. Some Things Old and Some Things New A useful new Cash Flow Projector in the Pro and Premier versions helps small businesses predict cash flow in advance and experiment with 'what-if' analysis. This is a worthy new feature that is easy to understand and use. A decent new Business Checklist feature serves information about local, state and federal requirements and provides helpful information on incorporation, partnerships, permits and licenses, as well as finding funding, tax and insurance and managing business finances.

From here, the new features are only found in the Premier edition. A helpful Fixed Asset Tracker monitors assets by name, serial number, acquisition date and disposal date to help with taxes. The program now supports up to 100 price levels, which should give businesses better control over prices and the discounts that they apply.

A new Loan Manager stores loan information, calculates principal and interest and lets users experiment with 'what if' analysis. Also, a new Vehicle Mileage Tracker monitors mileage in the standard way, and alerts you during invoicing when there are miles to be billed-a useful feature that is also found in the Pro version. You may now generate and email purchase orders, sales orders, sales receipts, credit memos and reports from within the program. This useful feature will save on postage. A new packaging slip and shipping label feature automatically enters information from the invoice so you don't have to reenter it. Integration with Microsoft Office has been improved.

List data from Excel may be imported into QuickBooks by assigning a spreadsheet column to a QuickBooks field, and reports may be exported to Excel spreadsheets, complete with formulas and formatting. A notable new service, Intuit's UniPlan 401K plan, Section 125 Plans, and Pay Along the Way Workers' Compensation Service, make it easier for small business owners to administer employee benefits packages and stay in compliance with federal and state employment regulations.