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Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. Duma i uprzedzenie [Jane Austen] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 'Duma i uprzedzenie' to najbardziej znana powiesc Jane Austen.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” So begins Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s witty comedy of manners—one of the most popular novels of all time—that features splendidly civilized sparring between the proud Mr. Darcy and the prejudiced Elizabeth Bennet as they play out their spirited cour “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” So begins Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s witty comedy of manners—one of the most popular novels of all time—that features splendidly civilized sparring between the proud Mr. Darcy and the prejudiced Elizabeth Bennet as they play out their spirited courtship in a series of eighteenth-century drawing-room intrigues. Renowned literary critic and historian George Saintsbury in 1894 declared it the “most perfect, the most characteristic, the most eminently quintessential of its author’s works,” and Eudora Welty in the twentieth century described it as “irresistible and as nearly flawless as any fiction could be.” -back cover. Do you have a phone, Kindle, tablet, or anything that can read eBooks?

I would recommend reading Pride and Prejudice as an eBook, because most Do you have a phone, Kindle, tablet, or anything that can read eBooks? I would recommend reading Pride and Prejudice as an eBook, because most eReaders/eReader apps come with an inbuilt dictionary. I think that being able to look up words and phrases immediately helped me to enjoy Pride and Prejudice and understand it well, unlike most of my classmates, who ended up hating it because they were frustrated with the writing. I'm 14 years old and I read it this year so age shouldn't be a problem. As weird as this method sounds, it really worked and for me, has made reading classics fun rather than a chore.

Pride and Prejudice is (legally) free to download as an eBook, so why not give it a try? Whatever you choose to do, I hope that you enjoy Pride and Prejudice; it's such a great book:). Confession.this book gave me an earth-shattering Janeaustegasm and I am feeling a bit spent and vulnerable at the moment, so please bear with me. You see, I decided I wanted to get more literated by reading the 'classicals' in between my steady flow of science fiction, mystery and horror. The question was where to begin. After sherlocking through my Easton Press collection, I started by pulling out my Dickens and reading which I thought was jaw-dropping AMAZO and 6.0 stars. Confession.this book gave me an earth-shattering Janeaustegasm and I am feeling a bit spent and vulnerable at the moment, so please bear with me.

You see, I decided I wanted to get more literated by reading the 'classicals' in between my steady flow of science fiction, mystery and horror. The question was where to begin. After sherlocking through my Easton Press collection, I started by pulling out my Dickens and reading which I thought was jaw-dropping AMAZO and left me feeling warm, satisfied and content. It also made me made retrospectively pleased that I named my youngest daughter Sydney.

After Two City “Tale”ing, I decided to give this book a whirl as I kept seeing it on GR lists of 'goodest books ever.' However, I must admit I was hesitant going in to this for two big reasons. One, I thought it might be a bit too romantical for me. The second, and much more distressing, reason was that was on many of the same lists as this book.

Austen fans should pull a nutty over that one. So needless to say I went into this thinking I might hate it.

Well, for the 999,987th time in my life (at least according to my wife’s records).I was wrong!!! I absolutely loved this book and had a mammoth, raging heart-on for it from the opening scene at the breakfast table when Father Witty (Mr. Bennet) is giving sly sarcasm to Mrs. Mommie Put Upon. I literaphorically could not get enough of this story.

I was instantly captivated by the characters and Elizabeth Bennet, the main protagonist, immediately became one of my all time favorite characters. Darcy joined that party as soon as he showed up in the narrative as I thought he was terrific as well. Overall, the writing could not have been better. It was descriptive, lush and brilliant.

The story could not have been more engaging or intelligent and the characters could not have been more magnificentastic. Elizabeth and Fitz are both smart, witty, self-confident and good. Austen could not have written them better. Oh, and I am sorry if this is a bit of a minor spoiler but I need to add that George Wickham is a cock-blocking braggadouche of startling proportions. I needed to say that and now I feel better.

This one has made it onto my list of All Time Favorite novels and is truly one of the classics that lives up to its billing. A FINAL WORD TO THE GUYS.Guys, do not fear the Austen.embrace the Austen.HIGHEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION!!! NOTE: The review you are about to read was written in 2009.

That's 8 years ago! I was 17 and thought I was the smartest person ever!

In all honesty I barely remember this book. So, negative comments regarding my intelligence are no longer necessary. They will be ignored. As they have been for probably 6 years now. Can we all just LOL at my use of the words 'mind-numbing balls'?? This book is quite possibly the most insipid novel I have ever read in my life. Why this book NOTE: The review you are about to read was written in 2009.

That's 8 years ago! I was 17 and thought I was the smartest person ever! In all honesty I barely remember this book. So, negative comments regarding my intelligence are no longer necessary. They will be ignored. As they have been for probably 6 years now.

Can we all just LOL at my use of the words 'mind-numbing balls'?? This book is quite possibly the most insipid novel I have ever read in my life. Why this book is so highly treasured by society is beyond me. It is 345 pages of nothing. The characters are like wispy shadows of something that could be interesting, the language that could be beautiful ends up becoming difficult to decipher and lead me more than once to skip over entire paragraphs because I became tired of having to stumble through them only to emerge unsatisfied, and the plot is non-existent, as though Austen one day decided she wanted to write a novel and began without having any idea what would happen except that there would be a boy and a girl who seemingly didn’t like each other but in the end got married.

The story really probably could have been told in about 8 pages, but Austen makes us slog through 345 pages of mind-numbing balls and dinner-parties. I don’t care what anyone says, this is not great literature.

This is a snore. Where my massive crush on Jane Austen began: alone, on a hot day in Montana, cursing her name.

I had to read it for AP English and I could not see the point. Girls need to marry. Girls can't get married. Girls are sad.

Girls get married. Girls are happy. I went to school to half heartedly discuss it and waffled and wavered in an effort to please my teacher. Finally she said: 'was it good or not, Ben?' 'No it wasn't.'

'Thank you.now read this twenty pages of literary criticism for homework.' Twenty Where my massive crush on Jane Austen began: alone, on a hot day in Montana, cursing her name. I had to read it for AP English and I could not see the point. Girls need to marry. Girls can't get married. Girls are sad.

Girls get married. Girls are happy. I went to school to half heartedly discuss it and waffled and wavered in an effort to please my teacher.

Finally she said: 'was it good or not, Ben?' 'No it wasn't.' 'Thank you.now read this twenty pages of literary criticism for homework.' Twenty pages of literary criticism later, I was hooked.

Once you know what to look for, it's hilarious. Once you're keyed into the contextual life of women, you have to feel for the plight of the Bennet sisters, and laugh at the crudity of their mother and Mr. So yes: I'm a guy and I love Jane Austen.

You got a problem with that? Well if you do, I'll be over here nursing my dorkiness just waiting for a fight for the honor of my beloved Jane. 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen started off annoying me and ended up enchanting me. Up until about page one hundred I found this book vexing, frivolous and down right tedious. I now count myself as a convert to the Austen cult. I must confess I have been known to express an antipathy for anything written or set before 1900. I just cannot get down with corsets, outdoor plumbing and buggy rides.

Whenever someone dips a quill into an inkwell my eyes glaze over. This is a shortcoming I readily 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen started off annoying me and ended up enchanting me. Up until about page one hundred I found this book vexing, frivolous and down right tedious. I now count myself as a convert to the Austen cult. I must confess I have been known to express an antipathy for anything written or set before 1900.

I just cannot get down with corsets, outdoor plumbing and buggy rides. Whenever someone dips a quill into an inkwell my eyes glaze over.

This is a shortcoming I readily own up to but have no desire to correct. So I admit to not starting this book with the highest of hopes. I did really enjoy Ang Lee's 'Sense and Sensibility' however and so when my friend threw the gauntlet down I dutifully picked it up.

Boy did I hate him at first. To get anywhere with this book one has to immerse oneself in the realities of life and marriage in the nineteenth century. At first all this talk of entailment and manners just left me cold. I liked the language to be sure.

Austen's dialogue is delightful through out but dialogue alone (no matter how delicious) does not a great novel make. A hundred pages or so in though I started to see what a shrewd eye for character this Austen woman had. Collins was the first person I marvelled. His character springs forth fully formed as a total but somehow loveable ass. From that point on I found much to love about this book. I was so into it by the end that I was laughing at some characters, sympathizing with others and clucking my tongue at an unhappy few. In short I was completely absorbed.

In conclusion I must now count myself a fan of Miss Austen's novels (and not just their fim adaptations) and do so look forward to acqauinting myself with more of her work in the future. 'Emma' anyone?

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Society, with all its restrictive constructs, is one nasty piece of work. It comes with so many silly rules, so many silly expectations.

Those of social station and wealth must be seen to marry someone of the same “worth” regardless of the feelings involved; they must be seen to marry someone on their level of class structure. But what of love? What of passion? Should it be quenched because of these all-encompassing silly constructs? Austen doesn’t think so. Enter Darcy, a man who is royally pis Society, with all its restrictive constructs, is one nasty piece of work.

It comes with so many silly rules, so many silly expectations. Those of social station and wealth must be seen to marry someone of the same “worth” regardless of the feelings involved; they must be seen to marry someone on their level of class structure. But what of love?

What of passion? Should it be quenched because of these all-encompassing silly constructs? Austen doesn’t think so. Enter Darcy, a man who is royally pissed off; he has fallen in love with someone considered far beneath him, to declare his love for her is to step outside the realms of his supposed pedigree: it is a form of social death.

So he is a man torn in two. At the route of things, he is a product of his society; consequently, he is affected by its values. Although he hates it all the same; thus, the long sullen silences, the seemingly moody and arrogant exchanges with Elizabeth.

But it’s all the expression of a man struggling to deal with the raging tempest of emotions that have taken hold of his mind: his being. “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed.

You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” Indeed, Austen slowly reveals the dangers of false perception as she gradually peels away the mask of this stoic pillar of aristocracy, and underneath blossoms a misunderstood and sensitive soul. So the romance plot is born.

Elizabeth eventually loses her prejudice and sees through Darcy’s false pride. Darcy loses his integrated construct of prejudice and ignores the pride of his relatives. As ever with Austen, the title of the work is suggestive of the main motifs; she’s never subtle as its all ways clear which way her razor sharp sarcasm is pointed. So love conquers all. Austen was a strong advocate of social mobility, and often it’s based upon love in her works. But she only believes in real love. She’s not interested in fleeting moments of heat and sexual lust; she portrays true and lasting romantic attachments, relationships that are strong and real.

For her, such things transcend class boundaries, wealth and intelligence. Love is love. It doesn’t matter who it is with as long as it is real; hence, Austen becomes a critique of society and its customs that prevent these relationships from being realised. She knows how stupid it is, and she loves to poke fun of her caricatures of the old stilted class of her era: the ones that resist her ideas. Is this the best Austen? I did really enjoy this book, and I have given it five stars, but it’s not as good as her other works. For me it lacks the moral growth of Northanger Abbey and Emma.It lacks the conciseness of Persuasion.

The emphasis on the injustice of romance has made it popular, though I do strongly believe that the love in Persuasion is stronger than it is here. That endures rejection, separation, war and decades; yet, it still lingers. I love Austen, and I have loved each one of her books I’ve read so far in different ways.

I hope to continue to do so. This is the fourth Austen I’ve given five stars, I can easily celebrate her as one of my favourite writers. “We are all fools in love.” Why have I not read this sooner? I must admit, I didn't initially understand all the fuss surrounding this novel.

I did not understand why so many millions of readers love it. It seemed to me they were all a bunch of romantic fools. Now that I am 'one of them', I can report back that the Pride and Prejudice fandom is actually full of normal people who care passionately about the characters. I instantly fell in love with the story and its amazing characters. Marvellous “We are all fools in love.” Why have I not read this sooner? I must admit, I didn't initially understand all the fuss surrounding this novel. I did not understand why so many millions of readers love it.

It seemed to me they were all a bunch of romantic fools. Now that I am 'one of them', I can report back that the Pride and Prejudice fandom is actually full of normal people who care passionately about the characters. I instantly fell in love with the story and its amazing characters.

Marvellous, magnificent, superb, delightful. Just some words to describe how great this novel is. I’m so damn sick and tired of hearing about 'alpha males' and how women just love them and how 'they're so hot'. I love beta men/nice guys.

It's refreshing to read about a hero who doesn't have to use foul language and violence to get attention and power. Mr Darcy is a gentleman. He is intelligent and wellinformed, competent, cool-headed, strong, yet silent.

He is also arrogant and prideful. Hey, nobody's perfect. He suffers from a social shyness and awkwardness that is received by others as rudeness. Darcy stands the test of time because he recognizes Elizabeth as an equal, he is not threatened by her intelligence and outspoken personality. In fact, Darcy appreciates all those traits. They're such different people but alike in many ways.

He and Elizabeth have such respect for each other, and I think that's what makes the romance in Pride and Prejudice such a success. And now I'm just going to compare every man to him and basically, I'm ruined forever. And let's not forget his estate. Sure, Mr Darcy has his issues and his flaws (so many times I wanted to scream at him and Elizabeth to get over themselves and talk already, I mean come on just get together already good grief this is ridiculous). Antigone, Annabeth Chase, Arya Stark, Scout Finch, Clarice Starling and Scarlett O'Hara are pretty much guaranteed on any of my favourite heroines lists and now I can add Elizabeth Bennet to that list too. Elizabeth is such an admirable heroine.

And boy is she one smart tough cookie. She stands up for herself and those who matter to her, she loves to read and she thinks for herself. She is a woman far ahead of her time. If you haven't read this yet, read it now. It's a wonderful book, easy to read, even though it was published in the early 19th century.

It will play on your emotions, and it will make you think. Well done, Miss Austen. Nice try, sir.

But you're no Mr Darcy. This never happened in the book but I couldn't help myself. It is official: now everyone on the planet has read this book. I was the last holdout, and being the last person (excluding those who are just being born. Now) i am sorry i didn't like it more. I knew going into it that i was not a jane austen girl; i had read two others and thought them bloodless and mercantile.

But everyone said to me, 'well, you haven't read pride and prejudice is why you don't like her.' Which i thought might be valid. But it's not. Because i still don't care. This is n it is official: now everyone on the planet has read this book. I was the last holdout, and being the last person (excluding those who are just being born. Now) i am sorry i didn't like it more.

I knew going into it that i was not a jane austen girl; i had read two others and thought them bloodless and mercantile. But everyone said to me, 'well, you haven't read pride and prejudice is why you don't like her.' Which i thought might be valid. But it's not. Because i still don't care. This is not the greatest love story of all time. It's more like the most amiable alliance of compatible feelings that ends up in a mutually agreeable union and merging of fortunes and temperaments.

I mean, really. This book needs heathcliff to come barreling in on a stallion all wet from the moors to ravish all five of these daughters and show them what a real man is all about. Now there's a love story.

'I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago.

I was in the middle before I knew that it had begun.' Fitzwilliam Darcy's reply when Ms. Elizabeth Bennet asked him when he fell in love with her. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen had put my left out dictionary into good use.

I have to admit, I was very slow in the first pages, however, nearing the end, I was like a driver going at 100mph, eager to reach the finish lin 'I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that it had begun.' Fitzwilliam Darcy's reply when Ms. Elizabeth Bennet asked him when he fell in love with her. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen had put my left out dictionary into good use. I have to admit, I was very slow in the first pages, however, nearing the end, I was like a driver going at 100mph, eager to reach the finish line.

At the first pages, I have to admit I was frustrated, for Jane Austen had called her characters Miss Bennet, and I must duly mention that there are five Miss Bennets. And the use of various nicknames, confused me more. I thought Elizabeth and Eliza and Lizzy are different persons. So, I put a book guide into good use as well.

I must also mention my despise of Mrs. I hated her more than anyone in this novel. She has no talent in being a mother whatsoever and have no notions of leading her daughters in the right path. The only thing that matters to her is the marrying of her five daughters. After the misfortune of Lydia running away with Wickham, she was frivolous as to forget the elopement as soon as news of marriage were ensued.

She considered the hunting for a wedding gown, the most of her problems. I've never seen a woman as fickle-minded as her and no one as blinded to riches than her. Nor do I have a desire to meet one. Lydia Bennet, is another matter.

She is selfish and insensitive as anyone can get. I have to mention this, to unload the hatred in my chest. How Jane and Elizabeth turned out to be well bred is a wonder, considering the type of mother they are born with.

But enough of what I hate of the book, because it will soon be forgotten, and all but the love of Mr Darcy for Elizabeth would remain. This is a genuine love story. I've fallen in love with Mr Darcy.

He wanted to change his ways for his beloved Elizabeth. He helped her in so many ways and he needed no credit for it. For him, it was enough that he knew he helped her. He also hid his love for her for so long, its endearing. No part of the book was useless.

All were vital for the fruition of Mr Darcy and Ms Bennett's love story. As you go deeper in the book, all pieces come together, like a puzzle, slowly making meaning. Elizabeth Bennet is lucky, to have loved and to be loved in return. Despite the troubles their love had to endure, it was victor in the end. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, So the other day Elizabeth and I are in the book store and she saw this book, and said she really wanted me to read it. In horror at the thought of reading what I thought was a 'chick book', i immediately countered that she would then have to read one of my favorites: Dune. So I read it, and I have to admit, it was good - damn good. Even though there was a serious lack of any gratuitous violence, I tore through it in several days.

Austen is an amazing writer, and has a particular tale So the other day Elizabeth and I are in the book store and she saw this book, and said she really wanted me to read it. In horror at the thought of reading what I thought was a 'chick book', i immediately countered that she would then have to read one of my favorites: Dune. So I read it, and I have to admit, it was good - damn good. Even though there was a serious lack of any gratuitous violence, I tore through it in several days.

Austen is an amazing writer, and has a particular talent for explaining her characters deep motivations (or prejudices) in a few defining sentences. I think my favorite part of it is the unwinding of Elizabeths' prejudices against Mr Darcy. It is done so slowly and artfully and believably that the reader is completely pulled into the story. It is a definite period piece - here are a few funny observations: - Nobody in the book had a job - they all earned income from their estates - Since nobody had jobs they spent all day gossiping - People were judged not by what they did for a living but what family they were from and how they behaved in society. Completely different from today!

- Dating was much tougher back then. You needed at least 10 dates to get anywhere, and you probably had to marry in order to go all the way. Jokes aside, this is a classic, and I highly recommend it for any guy or girl. 18 chapters in. I want that to sink in for a moment. 18 chapters in and NOTHING has happened. I am enjoying her writing style very much, but I also enjoy the back of an occasional cereal box so that may not mean much.

I am sitting here eating a tootsie roll, a Halloween left over, and I can't help notice the similarities between it and the novel Pride and Prejudice. First off, like P and P, the tootsie roll wasn't one of those dinky ones that you can almost swallow in a singl 18 chapters in. I want that to sink in for a moment. 18 chapters in and NOTHING has happened. I am enjoying her writing style very much, but I also enjoy the back of an occasional cereal box so that may not mean much.

I am sitting here eating a tootsie roll, a Halloween left over, and I can't help notice the similarities between it and the novel Pride and Prejudice. First off, like P and P, the tootsie roll wasn't one of those dinky ones that you can almost swallow in a single bite so you know that I've been at this for a while and now that I finally got it down, I have to wonder why I put it into mouth to begin with. Secondly, tootsie rolls are a throwback to another age, there are far better candies out there and the 36 wrappers littering the floor will attest to this. You have to really like tootsie rolls to appreciate them. Pride and Prejudice is the dullest most wonderfully written book that I have ever read.

I read it simply to get a feel for the author's fantastic ability at arranging words, and really I mean it when I say, oh what wonderful blather. I give the book one star.

Duma i uprzedzenie film

After 62 chapters, there is nothing that happens. There is barely a story to the story, at least not one that could be remotely interesting.even to people who like romance.


In the age of bodices, there is nary a one that is ripped open, let alone one that is undone with the gentle exploring fingers of a lover. And then there is the hubbub over the book.Satirical? A witty comedy of manners?

Sure, I smiled a few times at the only funny character in the book, Mr. Bennett, but overall, I read, studied the sentence structure, noticed the wall paper and waited patiently as the paint dried. Even the dramatic ending where Lizzy gets the guy, is a letdown and dull. Just to let you know, I was joking about it being in any way dramatic.

Which brings me to the characters. Other than Lizzy, they are all stereotypical and lack even the most remote concept of depth. Jane is pretty and sweet from the first page to the last. The mom is overbearing, the dad aloof.

Other than Darcy, no one grows or changes in a book that spans a few years and endless pages. Normally, I use one star for books that I just can't finish and if I wasn't an aspiring author, I wouldn't have bothered to get through half the book, but since I did. And when I compare it to yawner like A Tale of Two Cities, I had to bump this one up a notch. PS, Don't read Moby Dick either, if you know what's good for you.

Just a few words to express how I loved 's. So much has already been said, that I feel almost redundant. 'Pride and Prejudice' for me is above all about women’s choices in marriage, or the possibility of love versus choosing for money or social position. During Austen's time, marriage was the only option a woman had, except if she was rich enough to disregard the expectations of society; except if she was willing to live as a poor relation, which usually meant bein Just a few words to express how I loved 's.

So much has already been said, that I feel almost redundant. 'Pride and Prejudice' for me is above all about women’s choices in marriage, or the possibility of love versus choosing for money or social position.

During Austen's time, marriage was the only option a woman had, except if she was rich enough to disregard the expectations of society; except if she was willing to live as a poor relation, which usually meant being used as an unpaid servant. Of course, there was always the option of becoming a governess, but that represented not only miserly wages, even worst it implied becoming barely respectable and existence in an ambiguous class oblivion of social invisibility and no autonomy. What could be worst? Thus, let’s not criticize Austen’s contemporaries who saw marriage as their only choice, let’s even try to understand Mrs. Benet predicament: ”If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,” said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, “and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for.” But we have to remember that woman’s necessity was not one-sided: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. But, alas, that has probably been said before.

What else can I mention here? That Jane Austen was ahead of her time, and her heroine, the witty and charming Elizabeth Bennet, makes us fall in love with her by her accurate view of the world: There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense. And let’s not forget Mr. Darcy, for I am a romantic at heart, and he conquered me with his truthful statement, and even more crucial for me, ended up changing for Elizabeth: In vain have I struggled. It will not do.

My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. What I most liked about Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship is that it is not a simple romantic tale, but I loved how they overcome his pride and her prejudice and grow up gradually from a mutual antipathy to an understanding. And that does not happen overnight but over a period of over a year. All this, and much more if I wished to be even more redundant is what makes this novel so popular and enduring. It was refreshing to have a story that despite questioning prevailing values makes us smile. Highly recommended.

Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of making hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential. عنوان: غرور و تعصب - جین اوستین (نشر نی) ادبیات انگلسان؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: سال 1974 میلادی عنوان: غرور و تعصب؛ اثر: جین اوستین (آستین)؛ مترجم: شمس الملوک وزیری؛ مشخصات نشر 938.Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813.

The story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of making hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential. عنوان: غرور و تعصب - جین اوستین (نشر نی) ادبیات انگلسان؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: سال 1974 میلادی عنوان: غرور و تعصب؛ اثر: جین اوستین (آستین)؛ مترجم: شمس الملوک وزیری؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، بنگاه ترجمه و نشر کتاب، 1336، در 661 ص، زیر نظر: احسان یارشاطر مترجم: شاهرخ پورانفر، تهران، زرین، 1362، در 536 ص مترجم: رضا رضایی، تهران، نشر نی، 1385، در 449 ص داستان را جین آستین در سن بیست و یک سالگی و در سال 1796 میلادی بنوشته است، و برای نخستین بار در سال 1813 میلادی چاپ شده؛ و در ایران به سال 1336 هجری خورشیدی با ترجمه ی بانو: شمس الملوک وزیری به زیور طبع آراسته گشته است. آقا و خانم بنت پنج دختر دارند: جین، الیزابت، لیدیا، مری، کیتیا. جین و الیزابت بزرگتر و زیباتر از سه خواهر دیگر خویش هستند. مردی سرشناس و ثروتمند به نام: چارلز بینگلی، در باغ خویش و در همسایگی آنها زندگی میکند. او بسیار مهربان و خوش چهره است.

خانم بنت کوشش میکند مرد جوان یکی از دخترانش را به همسری خویش برگزیند. ادامه داستان؛ ا.

If somebody had told me that I'd love a romance before I read this book, I would have laughed derisively. In my late teens, romance was just not my cup of tea: it was meant for (yechch!) - girls. I was happily reading about those brave and hardy men who blew up German castles (during World War II) and evil Communist strongholds (after the war).

The only women in those books were beautiful spies or dangerous adventuresses. A few years later, my aunt pointed me to this book, after I had rather enjoy If somebody had told me that I'd love a romance before I read this book, I would have laughed derisively. In my late teens, romance was just not my cup of tea: it was meant for (yechch!) - girls.

I was happily reading about those brave and hardy men who blew up German castles (during World War II) and evil Communist strongholds (after the war). The only women in those books were beautiful spies or dangerous adventuresses. A few years later, my aunt pointed me to this book, after I had rather enjoyed an adaptation of it on Doordarshan (the Indian TV channel).

I opened the book, read the first couple of sentences, and was hooked. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. You can't be more true to life than this. personal interlude Scene: Myself at a marriage reception, strutting about rather proudly having recently landed a job.

Mother calls: 'Nandu! Come here for a moment.' I go rather reluctantly, because I know what is about to transpire.

It is like I dreaded: there is another female with mother. My mother presents me to her proudly. The lady looks me over with an appraising eye, and my knees are already weak. She says in a wondering tone: 'My! How tall your son has grown!' (I'm all of five-feet-six-and-a-half inches.) 'When I last saw you (this to me) you were only so tall.' (and she holds her hand the appropriate height from the floor.

This is not surprising, because when she last saw me, I was only five years old.) She turns to my mother, and says the dreaded words: 'He's employed now. Isn't it time he settled down?' I sidle away, because I know what's coming next: she knows of a 'nice girl' who would be the perfect match for me. end of interlude Oh, Mr.

Bingley and Darcy, I sympathise with you from the bottom of my heart!. Elizabeth Bennet was the first girl I hopelessly fell in love with.

Unfortunately for me, she existed only on the pages of a book, so my love was doomed from the start. '.Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.'

- Charlotte Lucas. Being married to the same wonderful woman for more than twenty-three years, whom I did not know at all before our marriage was arranged, I can vouch for the veracity of the above statement. Wonderful book. Revived review to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the death of Jane Austen. Go Jane - like a cute little tortoise you have outlasted all of those bustling hares.

It is a truth which I would like to see universally acknowledged, that no one voluntarily reads any 19th century novels unless they are by Jane Austen. I fear that modern readers think all these Radcliffes, Disraelis, Eliots, Gissings and so forth tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt them, or even, that they are most disagr Revived review to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the death of Jane Austen. Go Jane - like a cute little tortoise you have outlasted all of those bustling hares. It is a truth which I would like to see universally acknowledged, that no one voluntarily reads any 19th century novels unless they are by Jane Austen. I fear that modern readers think all these Radcliffes, Disraelis, Eliots, Gissings and so forth tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt them, or even, that they are most disagreeable, horrid books, not at all worth reading.

They look at them without admiration at the library. They tell me they are all too long, but for my own part, if a book is well written, I always find it too short.

But it is particularly incumbent on those who never change their opinion, to be secure of judging properly at first, lest it be considered prejudice. Such perseverance in wilful self-deception! In vain I have struggled to tell them about Thackeray, Dickens and Bennett. It will not do. Somewhere they have formed the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I firmly believe that Moby Dick is the last book in the world that they could ever be prevailed on to read. The modern reader is so well disposed towards those who are in interesting situations, that a young person, who is either a vampire, or a zombie, is sure of being kindly spoken of.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed dead people who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company. Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion.

Will I read Pride and Prejudice again? Yes, a thousand times, yes! Near perfection! P & P is one of those rare gems that weds character, plot and language all in one harmonious marriage. Austen's plotting is so very precise here. It's an absolute pleasure to behold.

The timing is impeccable and there is very little, if any, fat in the prose to slow it down. Finding new clues to future plot twists and turns with each reread has reached the level of a sport for me now! They say, write what you Will I read Pride and Prejudice again? Yes, a thousand times, yes! Near perfection! P & P is one of those rare gems that weds character, plot and language all in one harmonious marriage. Austen's plotting is so very precise here.

It's an absolute pleasure to behold. The timing is impeccable and there is very little, if any, fat in the prose to slow it down. Finding new clues to future plot twists and turns with each reread has reached the level of a sport for me now! They say, write what you know. Austen knew the life of the upper class (more precisely, the lower ranks of the upper class). She knew all about sitting around in parlors waiting to one day possibly be wed.

She knew the rules of engagement that her class and gender imposed upon her. And so she wrote about those things and wrote well, weaving complex love triangles in a realistic, down-to-earth style. Some readers, often American, complain that Austen's work is tedious and unimpassioned. They are annoyed by characters that do not speak out or act when action would resolve the problems that arise in the social situations that make up the basis of Austen's stories. They lose sight of the fact that the early 19th century is not early 21st. Heck, it's not even the same country. To some living 200 years after Austen published, these sensibilities do not readily make sense.

You must understand that the basis of Austen's writing is founded upon the mores of her time. What makes P & P so exciting and intriguing is that our protagonist does push back, she does speak out. She does all those things we modern day readers wish she'd do.

You just have to read very carefully to see it all happening. It's occasionally quite subtle, but it's there. A familiarity with early 19th century England, its language and customs will help unveil this novel's beauty and brilliance. While I would not have wanted to be a woman living then, essentially tied down and utterly reliant on a wealthy man's whim for my happiness or even salvation, I try to at least enjoy the spectacle of something absolutely foreign to the way I live. Watching these people in the midst of arguing or courting is much like watching the controlled chaos of a boxing match. The principle parties are dueling like fighters looking to beat the crap out of one another, yet under strict rules by which they are bound. Break the rules and you may be disqualified.

The constraints these people put themselves under in the name of civility may seem fanciful to us outsiders, but for a woman whose very livelihood depended on winning this bizarre game, it was very real. ( Reviews of film and television adaptations to come!). While I'm working on my final review of Pride and Prejudice below (review is under construction; please wear hard hats when reading), let’s continue the discussion of P&P movies with the ladies.

Part II: Elizabeth Bennet actresses. First, Greer Garson from the 1940 movie: no, for two big reasons: 1. As points out, “Garson's Elizabeth Bennet was smirking, empty-headed and flirtatious where Ehle's was smirking, strong and intelligent.' A thousan While I'm working on my final review of Pride and Prejudice below (review is under construction; please wear hard hats when reading), let’s continue the discussion of P&P movies with the ladies. Part II: Elizabeth Bennet actresses. First, Greer Garson from the 1940 movie: no, for two big reasons: 1.

As points out, “Garson's Elizabeth Bennet was smirking, empty-headed and flirtatious where Ehle's was smirking, strong and intelligent.' A thousand times no! (This movie also has a third strike against it, the travesty of its rewriting of Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s personality.) Second, Elizabeth Garvie in the 1980 BBC miniseries: She’s not well known except among P&P fans, but she actually does a very nice job with Lizzie. Jennifer Ehle from the 1995 miniseries: She’s great, and she gets extra points for just how well she plays off of Colin Firth, but I have a fundamental problem with Ehle, which is that she just doesn’t match my vision of Lizzie. I just can’t entirely buy her in the part.

Keira Knightley: Very pretty but too pretty. And man, is she wearing a lot of makeup in some of the scenes. Honorable mention: Aishwarya Rai in Bride and Prejudice (I don’t even care if she’s too gorgeous): So for me, it’s Elizabeth Garvie, but kind of in a default win. Actual review: Often imitated, never matched.

Jane Austen Duma I Uprzedzenie Ebook Chomikuj

Nobody can do it quite like Jane Austen. I adore Elizabeth and Darcy, working through their flaws (there's pride and prejudice aplenty on both sides!), willing to reconsider earlier judgments, tentatively working their way toward each other. And when you combine that with Austen's insight into human foibles and her sharp wit, every page is a pleasure. Sometimes I've been guilty of rushing through P&P, skimming over some chapters to get to the 'good parts' faster, but I took my time this time around, reading it slower and more carefully, and was rewarded accordingly. Full review to come! Prior posts: So while I'm reading P&P for the umpty-umpth time, as a side but highly important tangent let's have a discussion about the relative merits of the four major movie and TV miniseries Darcys: We begin with Lawrence Olivier from the 1940 Hollywood movie. All props to Sir Lawrence, but he's not my vision of Darcy.

David Rintoul from the 1980 BBC version. Who is a pretty good Darcy, actually; it's not his fault that the production values in this P&P version suck. (it's basically like watching a theater play that's been filmed) On to the wonderful Colin Firth, from the seminal 1995 miniseries. I can't help it, he makes my heart beat faster even when he's not in a wet shirt. Matthew Macfadyen in the 2005 movie: Sorry to his fans, but he doesn't cut it for me.

He always looks So. So clearly for me it's Colin Firth FTW, but feel free to argue with me in the thread.:) Honorable mentions go to Elliot Cowan in Lost in Austen and Martin Henderson in Bride and Prejudice. (Pics in the thread.) Original post: Time for a reread! Finishing up my revisits to all of Jane Austen's novels with my favorite book of hers. And just possibly my favorite book of all time. This was actually a reread for me, I just didn't actively use GR when I read it before! Man I really love Jane Austen.

I still don't think this has topped Sense & Sensibility as my favorite, but it's still so GOOD! I think the book does a better job of portraying Darcy in a different light than the 2005 movie, you can actually see his affections changing through some dialogue that isn't in that movie, and you can also see a bit more of the fault of Elizabeth for her prejudiced thoughts against This was actually a reread for me, I just didn't actively use GR when I read it before! Man I really love Jane Austen. I still don't think this has topped Sense & Sensibility as my favorite, but it's still so GOOD! I think the book does a better job of portraying Darcy in a different light than the 2005 movie, you can actually see his affections changing through some dialogue that isn't in that movie, and you can also see a bit more of the fault of Elizabeth for her prejudiced thoughts against him. It helps the narrative a bit more since he is less portrayed as a bad boy with a heart of gold, and rather as someone who is misrepresented & makes mistakes.

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Lots of other things to talk about - bingley is as precious a cinnamon roll as ever (as is Jane) and mr Bennet is still one of my all time favorite fictional characters. I just love this book a lot. Jane Austen was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature, her realism and biting social commentary cementing her historical importance among scholars and critics. Austen lived her entire life as part of a close-knit family located on the lower fringes of the English landed gentry Jane Austen was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature, her realism and biting social commentary cementing her historical importance among scholars and critics.

Austen lived her entire life as part of a close-knit family located on the lower fringes of the English landed gentry. She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading. The steadfast support of her family was critical to her development as a professional writer. Her artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years until she was about 35 years old. During this period, she experimented with various literary forms, including the epistolary novel which she tried then abandoned, and wrote and extensively revised three major novels and began a fourth. From 1811 until 1816, with the release of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1815), she achieved success as a published writer. She wrote two additional novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both published posthumously in 1818, and began a third, which was eventually titled Sanditon, but died before completing it.

Austen's works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century realism. Her plots, though fundamentally comic, highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security. Her work brought her little personal fame and only a few positive reviews during her lifetime, but the publication in 1869 of her nephew's A Memoir of Jane Austen introduced her to a wider public, and by the 1940s she had become widely accepted in academia as a great English writer. The second half of the 20th century saw a proliferation of Austen scholarship and the emergence of a Janeite fan culture.