Sarah Media

Welcome to Chuck & Sarah Media! Your source of Chuck & Sarah which has been online for 3 years. Please note videos are free to download, but don't use them on your website or youtube. Unless they are music videos. If I post any youtube videos that are interviews, appearance or promos, please credit back to the website or at least mention me on twitter at @chucksarahmedia. It is not easy getting these videos and does take time to post.


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Overcome your Overwhelm Hi, my name is Sarah. I can guess why you're here right now. You are stressed. You are maxed out at your current income level and you know. Church of the Highlands is a life-giving church meeting in multiple locations throughout Central Alabama. Dec 06, 2010 The 'lamestream media' strategy would be laughable if it weren't so effective. Just what media are Sarah Palin and others talking about?

Throughout our title sequence we tried to use the codes and conventions that we believe suited the scenes. We used a variety of codes and conventions that we used in our final title sequence, we used a range of camera shots, remembering to stick to the rules.

However, we didn’t find this very restricting whilst filming, we had a lot of freedom with our filming. Had one element that ran through most of the title sequence which was overlapping film, we had two film pieces running at the same time but moving in different directions, which then created the twisted effect that, we had hoped to create. It also gave the audience more of an insight to the narrative. Looking at different codes and conventions involved in title sequences helped us to make our title sequence better overall as it encouraged us to create a more successful title sequence and make it look more professional than it would had we not used the codes and conventions available to us. I think the title of our sequence give the audience an idea of what the film could be about but doesn’t give too much away that the audience could guess what film storyline as it isn’t so straight forward as it may seem. We decided it would be good to look into other words associated with ‘kidnap’ as our narrative was to do with a girl being kidnapped but we didn’t want to give too much of the story away before the film began.

Sarah Medical

So, we looked at alternative words like capture, taken etc. However, we believe ‘Seized’ best fit and wasn’t too obvious; we also believed that it kept the tension more than the others would have done. The original idea of the target audience for our film was to represent it to the 15 and over age range, we believed the range was quite accurate as it isn’t too restricted as to who could would be entitled to watch our film we also wanted to broaden our horizons with the topics we were using and wanted to go into more depth on the issues we were addressing within our title sequence. We have tried to address many emotions in title sequence to foreshadow what may come in the film. We wanted to aim it at the ages we have chosen because we want the audience to be able to relate to the characters and issues in the film so if we had made the age range lower we may have not been able to going into such depth on the issues we involved in our title sequence.


The title sequence covers different aspects of social groups included within the age range we have chosen to aim our title sequence at – there are elements of tension and surprise for people seeking adrenaline from the film they are watching, includes lies and deceiving parts to the film for people who want a more emotional film to watch. I took a lot of time researching different media institutions to find out more about them and the types of films they support and distribute. It was time consuming looking for an institution.

However, we found one that suited our title sequence and the genre itself. We finally decided upon ‘Lionsgate’ as we looked into the films they had distributed for, these included films such as American Psycho, Saw and Crash.

By representing films of the thriller genre, we thought this institution would be best to use for our title sequence. We also believed that the clip of ‘Lionsgate’ that we decided to use, really suited our sequence as it was dark and gloomy which reflects and sets the mood in our title sequence. We thought we’d try to attract the audience that we were aiming for by trying to focus our title sequence around the habits, likes and dislikes of young adults 15+, I think we achieved our target. We put a lot of effort into using unique camera shots and techniques such as soundtracks and transitions, which we thought would interest our target audience the most. Also, we based the age of the main character similar to the age group that we have aimed our title sequence at so it would be of more interest to them. We also took into consideration the types of things people of the age group would watch, for example, the twilight series and vampire diaries these films and television dramas include some of the same entertainment elements that may help to interest our age group. From previous projects such as our continuity piece, we only had experience with iMovie.

Sarah Madia

However, we were advised to use a programme called Final Cut Pro, which would benefit the editing process as it has a more advanced technology system. It was hard to get used to the programme as it was more complex than iMovie and has more confusing tools. But, once we had got used to the programme we were using we proved that we could make our title sequence look much more professional. After getting used to Final Cut Pro we concluded it was better overall as we had more advanced tools to use.

It was important for us to collect feedback from our potential audience so we could improve our title sequence if needed. We posted our title sequence on Youtube to gather feedback from others. Overall, the feedback we collected was very positive however, there were some criticisms offered. One of the criticisms was that when 'SEIZED' came up, it disappeared too quickly, we took this into consideration and after watching the title sequence back we decided that it may be right to edit this part of the sequence so we lengthened the time that the title was screened. Another way we collected feedback was to screen our title sequence to a selective few to represent as an audience. We showed it to other classes and gave each student a Audience feedback questionnaire we had created ourselves, the feedback gathered in this particular way was quite varied.

One particular answer that kept popping up was about the music and that was was in some ways quite annoying to listen to but after taking this into consideration we realised that the students viewing the sequence were of a younger age than we had anticipated for our film overall, therefore we gathered that they may not have appreciated the title sequence as a whole as much as the people of the age we have aimed our title sequence. Another issue that we found was that quite a few responses came back that people believed the sequence was a 'horror'. Finally, as we were happy with or final product, we showed it to our media teachers. Unfortunately, we hadn't researched enough into the way the titles appear and didn't notice that the directors name always appears at the end of the opening credits, after realising this we decided to change this to better our title sequence. It's good that we noticed this mistake before the deadline so we could change it so our title sequence was to the best of our ability and looks more professional overall.

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