Gear Hobbing Software

Helios medium- and coarse-pitch cutting tools are produced using a state-of-the-art high speed steel material for green cutting applications. This metal, called MC90, can provide superior tool life versus typical high speed steels and can approach the performance of carbide tools. Even more impressive, this increase in tool life comes at a cost comparable to high-speed steel!

Gear hobbing software

Software for the Gear Manufacturer ‘GCP2. CPC-HOB Software for all gear hobbing machines: CPC-TMILL Software for all thread milling machines.

All other industry-standard materials can also be provided, which include S390, ASP2052, ASP2078, and premium grades of carbide.

Standard and custom software for spur and helical gears - software for gear geometry, gear calculations, active-mesh graphics, change gear finding, gear grinding, gear hobbing, and gear inspection. Also software for non-involute forms, non-circular gearing, and N-C operations. Email: Email and ask for a free demonstration of our software on your problem.!!!!!

ALL SOFTWARE AT THIS SITE IS BEING UPDATED TO RUN ON 64-BIT MACHINES!!!!!!!! WATCH FOR FURTHER NOTICE!!! Standard Software - Click on any of these program names for a description: - Calculations, form geometry, DXF files & graphics - mating gears or single gears. Hobbing machine setup including a fast, accurate change gear finder. Generation of mating forms - involute, non-involute, parallel or crossed axes. Wheel profiles for grinding helical gears or threads or drill flutes. Define a gear tooth for grinding- involute modifications, root and tip geometry.

Involute chart from CMM data for a gear tooth or a plated wheel, spur or helical - Back engineer a gear from CMM data or hob data. Curve fitting, shifting, rotating, plane shifting, mirroring, form offset, etc. This software runs under Windows- 95, 98, Me, 2000, NT, XP,Vista, 7(32-bit or 64-bit in XP mode) GEARPACK-Calculations, form geometry, and graphics for spur and helical gears- GEARPACK makes both DXF and HPGL graphic files. Design single gears or mating gear pairs - or verify gear print information - or use it to convert gear print information into manufacturing and inspection information - or look at the active mesh of mating gears - or get a DXF file of a gear form for your CAD system. Flexible input and on-screen 'help' pages greatly simplify data entry. You enter the data you know - GEARPACK calculates all the missing data.

For example, find the specs for replacement gears in old, worn, or damaged machines when only the gear center distance and number of teeth are known. The menu-driven options are very easy to use - by gear designers or shop personnel. GEARPACK performs all these calculations (including interference & limit checks): - Tooth thickness from overpin measure or overpin measure from tooth thickness. Tooth thickness from span measure or span measure from tooth thickness. Tooth thickness from test radius or test radius from tooth thickness. NDP (normal diametral pitch) from pitch diameter or pitch diameter from NDP. NPA (normal pressure angle) from base diameter or base diameter from NPA.

Helix angle from lead or lead from helix angle. Roll angle, roll length, tooth thickness, pressure angle, base pitch, and other involute information at specified diameters. Hob approach and overtravel distance and much other hobbing data including generating length and depth factor to achieve a given tooth thickness. For mating gears, GEARPACK calculates (in addition to the graphics capability): - Contact ratio, SAP (start of active profile) diameter, and SAP roll angle. Tooth thickness based on maximum and minimum backlash.

Minimum workable NDP (for maximum strength). Based on NDP input, finds center distance from helix angle or helix angle from center distance. Long/short addendums based on X-factor inputs. Outside diameter, root diameter, gear lead, helix angle, and all other specs. GEARPACK also calculates gear form data and presents a graphics screen showing either single gears or mating gears in mesh - including rotation of the mesh. Mesh graphics is not simple animation-it is totally accurate at any magnification. Full graphics capability - zoom, pan, measure, overlay, etc.

Quickly and easily transfer the gear tooth form to a CAD system with DXF file transfer so you can use the tooth - or the whole gear - in your assembly and detail drawings. You can also use the output directly for wire EDM or laser gear cutting. Transfer the gear or gear tooth in HPGL format to a plotter or printer- make hard copy of the form or tranparencies for optical inspection. GEARPACK works for both external and internal involute gears and worms on parallel or crossed axes. HOBIT- calculates and customizes the change gears for each of your hobbing machines or thread mills.

It can find optimum helical setups for machines with or without differentials. It only requires data which is put into tables to work with different machines. HOBIT also includes a fast, accurate change gear finder which works directly to find change gears for any given ratio.

super fast and always the best solution. Setting up your whole operation - machines and gear tables - is so easy that we offer to prepare your initial tables for you free of charge.

Gear Hobbing Software

You can completely define your sets of change gears-missing gears, extra gears, etc., and HOBIT will make the setup even if your feed gears and index gears must share the same set. This is not the old 'pick and try' software you may have already tried, but the very best solution- and guaranteed to fit the gearbox space without 'juggling gears' or recalculating over and over. HOBIT allows compounding of up to eight gears in a gearbox-unheard of accuracy to achieve any gear ratio required. There is even an option to keep the feed gears the same for both left and right hand work to simplify switchover when hobbing gear pairs that differ only in hand.

Gear Hobbing Software

HOBIT can make your old hobbers competitive with CNC hobbers by reducing setup time and providing totally accurate setups - Barber-Colman, Gould & Eberhardt, Cleveland, Pfauter, any machine (even including continuous shift and oblique feed hobbers). CONFORMS - Software for generating involute and non-involute mating forms.

CONFORMS takes the known tooth form of a gear, rack, or worm, and calculates the generated form of the mating gear, rack, or worm. Tooth forms may be helical, spur, involute or non-involute, external or internal. (Examples: gear teeth, including root generation and involute modifications; worms; splines; ratchets; sprockets; impeller rotors; hobs; shaper cutters; seaming & rolling dies) Mating parts may mesh at parallel or crossed axes. The input form may be given in any cutting plane and the output form can be provided for any cutting plane.

Form geometry for input and output is lines and arcs (if your geometry is supplied in terms of a math function or rectangular or polar coordinates, FITFORMS can convert it to line-arc geometry). Tooth form geometry may also be imported from a CAD system, created by our GEARPACK, INVFORMS, RAKFORMS, or FLUTES software, or calculated 'longhand'. The output geometry is mathematically exact, not approximate. Output may be graphically displayed (including active mesh), transmitted to a CAD system, or used as input to other programs. You can use the output directly for wire EDM form cutting or other N-C operations.

Gear Hobbing Cutter

Output geometry can be in our own SES format, DXF format, HPGL format, or generic N-C format (G1, G2, G3 codes, etc) You don't need to be an expert-use the built-in sample jobs and help screens to familiarize yourself. You can design your own hob or shaper cutter to generate any form-splines, ratchets, etc. Common problems with generated forms are 'fill-in' and 'undercut' because the hob design doesn't exactly produce the form you want.

A standard option with CONFORMS is the ability to 'play back' a generated form to get a direct comparison between the input form that you want and the generated form you will get. You can specify the hob specs to the vendor and know exactly what to expect in the finished part. You can also ensure that hobs from different vendors will be the same. You can find the difference in the form cut by a new hob or shaper cutter and a form cut by a sharpened-back hob or shaper cutter. This is very important for non-involute forms or involute modifications. For semi-topping or preshave operations involving protuberance, you can find the difference in form when you use a hob or shaper cutter designed for one number of gear teeth to cut a different number of teeth.

You can optimize the design and mesh of impeller rotors, rolling dies, and seaming dies. CONFORMS is available as stand-alone software, but is more commonly used as part of a development system which includes the INVFORMS, GEARPACK, RAKFORMS, FITFORMS, SCREENIT, and DXFILES software described elsewhere on these pages. A full-function browser is included free of charge. FLUTES - Software for helical form grinding - including reverse engineering. FLUTES takes any helical form specified in any cutting plane- transverse, axial, or normal and calculates the axial form of the grinding wheel or milling cutter which will produce the given form.

Helical gear teeth, worms, drill & tap flutes, and thread milling are possible applications. FLUTES also does the reverse operation by taking as input the axial form of a grinding wheel or milling cutter and calculating the resulting helical form in the transverse, axial, or normal plane. This reverse operation also works as an automatic 'playback' option every time you run a job to guarantee that what-you-see is what-you-get. FLUTES works with both internal and external parts. Form geometry for input and output is lines and arcs (if your geometry is supplied in terms of a math function or rectangular or polar coordinates, FITFORMS can convert it to line-arc geometry).

Form geometry may also be imported from a CAD system, created by our GEARPACK, INVFORMS, or CONFORMS software, or calculated 'longhand'. Output may be sent to a CAD system, linked to other software, or used for graphic display on a screen or plotter. This geometry is mathematically exact, not approximate. Output geometry can be in our own SES format, DXF format, HPGL format, or generic N-C format (G1, G2, G3 codes, etc). The changing diameter of a formed grinding wheel after successive truings is often a critical factor because the wheel form is always calculated for a particular diameter. Use FLUTES to determine the range through which a wheel diameter can change and still produce an accurate helical part. You can design grinding wheel shapes for full form helical gear grinding.

You can find the difference when you use a plated Borazon grinding wheel (or any pre-designed hard wheel) designed for a certain number of teeth and a certain helix angle to grind a different gear. For deep forms or high helix angles, you can determine the root fill-in which always makes the difference between the form you ask for and the form you get. You can design grinding wheels for external or internal thread forms-even when the wheel setting angle is not the same as the thread angle. FLUTES is compatible with CAD systems using DXF file transfers. FLUTES is available as stand-alone software, but is more commonly used as part of a development system which includes the INVFORMS, FITFORMS,SCREENIT, and DXFILES software described in these pages.

A full-function text browser is included free of charge. INVFORMS- Calculates a gear tooth form complete with with involute modifications, root geometry, and tip geometry. It uses common gear print parameters as input. Output geometry is accurate for aircraft quality gears. Gears can be external or internal, spur or helical.

Knots. An injury leaves you or your partner in need of help. Climb long enough and finding yourself in a jam far from help is inevitable.

Involute modifications can be made at multiple points along the tooth flank. Modifications can be ordinary 'K-chart' style or 'barrel-curve' style. Tip modification can be a full radius, a 'sweep-out' radius, or a chamfer. Root fillet can be a given radius or a self-calculated full fillet. Output can be a single tooth or space, multiple teeth, or the whole gear. INVFORMS makes a graphic overlay (using SCREENIT) which allows direct comparison between the modified and unmodified tooth. Geometry output can be sent to a CAD system using a DXF file or it may be used directly by CONFORMS or FLUTES.

This software is menu-driven and extremely simple to use. It includes on-line help screens which explain each input-also a GEARHELP section for gear geometry calculations. INVFORMS also applies to involute splines. KAYCHART - Produces a standard involute chart using CMM inspection data. This program will draw an involute inspection chart using either the gear tooth inspection data or the inspection data for the plated grinding wheel which grinds the gear. It works for spur and helical gears, external or internal.

Output is shown on-screen, and can be transferred to a plotter or printer using HPGL or DXF format. Most modern Coordinate Measuring Machines have the ability to produce an X-Y file of data points. Kaychart can read this file (in any format) directly which greatly simplifies the job. Kaychart's output is mathematically exact, not approximate, even when the plated wheel is used to grind a helical gear. Kaychart is especially useful to check the errors a plated wheel will produce when it is used to grind a gear for which it was not designed.

The Kaychart software includes Features, Screenit, Plotit, & Dxfiles. FEATURES - Reverse engineer gear specs from CMM inspection data or hob data. With no other data except CMM inspection points, FEATURES calculates the base circle diameter, TIF diameter, undercut diameter and amount of undercut, chamfer diameter, root diameter, outside diameter, normal base pitch, and tooth thickness. It also calculates the roll angle at each of these diameters and displays the form on the screen. In conjunction with KAYCHART, these same inspection points can be used to produce a standard involute chart showing involute deviations. To reverse engineer the gear from a known hob (which may be a short pitched hob or a protuberance hob), it is necessary to define the hob using RAKFORMS which then automatically runs FEATURES. FITFORMS - Geometry utility software does curve fitting and smoothing to convert coordinate point data into line-arc data.

It also performs any combination of conversions between rectangular coordinates, polar coordinates and line-arc data. Shifting, rotating, mirroring, helical plane shifting, form offset, and inch-metric conversions. For curve fitting, you specify the 'fit tolerance' which is the maximum allowable difference between any input point and the output line-arc curve. A helical plane shift allows you to transfer a geometric form which is defined in one cutting plane to any other cutting plane-axial to normal, transverse to normal, normal to axial, etc. This is a true geometric conversion, not an approximation. Fitforms can also combine two or more geometry files and sort the elements to make a continuous form. It can also work interactively with SCREENIT, the screen graphics program.

Gear Hobbing Cutter Software Database

Geometry files can be imported / exported as DXF files from a CAD system. Graphics and other auxiliary programs: -. SCREENIT - Screen graphics software includes pan, zoom, rotate, step, measure, overlay, and active gear mesh. Works with SOFTWARE ENGINEERING geometry file format or imported CAD geometry in inch or metric mode. Saves screen images for quick transfer to PLOTIT to produce hard copy. Works with or without a mouse.

PLOTIT- Plotter software produces graphic output in HGL format. This software can drive a plotter such as the Hewlitt-Packard 7475A interactively- or it can produce a file for off-line printing or plotting. Most Hewlitt-Packard plotters use HGL format, and many H-P printers can also use HGL format directly. In addition, third party software is available to make HPGL format work on almost any printer-dot matrix, ink jet, laser, etc. DXFILES - Converts both ways between DXF format and Software Engineering geometry format. Also converts DXF format to generic N-C format (G1, G2, G3 codes, etc.) -. RAKFORMS - Uses standard rack or hob specifications as input and calculates a normal or transverse rack form.

It includes options of semi-topping ramp and three different styles of protuberance. Especially useful for hob emulation input to the CONFORMS program. It is compatible with CAD systems using DXF file transfers. This software runs under Windows- 95, 98, Me, 2000, NT, XP, VISTA,7.

Ordering:. Payment options: - Give us a company purchase order and let us bill you. Or - Prepay with a check or money order. (This gets you a 5 per cent discount.) Illinois residents add 6.75 per cent sales tax. Handling and shipping charge per order: $6.00 - (more if air, expedited delivery, or foreign shipment is requested).

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Orders from outside the US must be accompanied by payment. Bank transfer data will be provided if necessary. Software (on CD unless otherwise specified) and printed manuals will be shipped the next business day by priority mail unless another shipping method is requested. Email: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICE.