Dicarlo Kino Escalation Ladder Pdf

  1. Kino Escalation Ladder

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Blog Blog Dicarlo. Dicarlo Kino Escalation Ladder Pdf To Excel Dicarlo Kino Escalation Ladder Pdf Editor. Eye Contact and Initial Conversation.

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16768511 vin-dicarlo-escalation-ladder. 1. The DiCarlo Escalation Ladder. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder The DiCarlo Escalation Ladder is a step-by step formula, fol-lowed by a number of laws which govern its use for maximum effect. It is designed to provide a smooth escalation, containing no signifi-cant jumps that may cause a woman to object. At the same time, the DELcontains no extraneous steps which are non-essential to the seductionprocess. Black tide bite the bullet rar. This results in a FAST escalation sequence which is compatiblewith a variety of verbal structures, and has been field tested and perfectedby myself, Vincent DiCarlo, in hundreds of trials.

Without further marketing, hype or other bullshit, I present. The Di-Carlo Escalation Ladder!1. Eye Contact and Initial Conversation Eye contact is the first step. Its use shows social awareness and al-ways improves your chances of starting a conversation. Start your conver-sational game shortly after eye contact.2. Incidental Class 1 The first class of incidental kino involves the arms and hands. Shak-ing hands, tapping people on the shoulder and brushing arms are all verycommon things that we do on a daily basis.

Done in an incidental manner,i.e. Occurring merely by chance or without intention or calculation, it is ex-tremely effective at building initial comfort. 2 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc.

DiCarlo Escalation LadderIncidental Class 1 Examples:. Hand shaking. Arm brushing. Light touching on her arm to emphasize your points.

Anchoring her arm near elbow to hold her close as you talk. Standing next to her with your arm touching hers. High Fives. Palm Reading3.

Overt Class 1 There is an unmistakable recurring pattern throughout the DEL: in-cidental kino, followed by overt kino. Overt means open to view or knowl-edge; not concealed or secret. While incidental kino is usually done in a context which masks yourintention, overt kino is not. The incidental kino which precedes it createsthe familiarity necessary for the overt kino to be accepted.Overt Class 1 Examples:. Holding hands.

Arm in arm escorting 3 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder4. Incidental Class 2 Class 2 kino involves any contact which takes place on her torso orlegs. This is slightly more intimate than class 1, but does not include eroge-nous zones such as her breasts, crotch or inner thighs. Those areas are notpaid any direct attention until the escalation ramp - to be defined later.Incidental Class 2 Examples:. Standing very close with your legs touching hers.

Sitting close together with your legs touching hers. Lightly and incidentally brushing her abdomen with your hands while talking. Briefly touching her back with your palm while speaking as if you are pulling her in to hear you better5. Overt Class 2 Overt class 2 kino is usually done while sitting down. Its not neces-sary, but definitely a smart place to make the transition to sitting down.This class of kino should be done in a protective, almost romantic manner.Overt Class 2 Examples:.

Frontal Hugging (done best as a positive reaction to her compliance). Escorting her through the bar with your hand on her lower back.

Sitting next to her and placing her leg over yours. Holding her abdomen on the side while sitting down and talking. Placing her hand on your thigh 4 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder6.

Incidental Class 3 Her hair, face and neck are the regions included in class 3. Manyguys make the common mistake of touching these areas too soon, with agirl they first met. Girls are surprisingly protective of their hair, face and neck placingthese relatively high on the ladder. Another common mistake is that moreexperienced guys will generally skip this step altogether, only to face lastminute resistance later on.Incidental Class 3 Examples:. Brushing (or pretending to brush) something off of her face. Talking very closely with your face touching hers because the envi- ronment is extremely loud. Touching an interesting necklace shes wearing, meanwhile allowing your fingers to lightly caress her neck.

Kino Escalation Ladder

Playfully pinching her cheeks7. Overt Class 3 The manner in which kino is delivered in overt class 3, is very direct.It is meant to prepare her for kissing, and is done in a very slow, gentleand romantic way. Most of the time you should be sitting down, relaxed and maintain-ing a good sexual state and strong eye contact. 5 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation LadderOvert Class 3 Examples:. Placing her head to rest on your shoulder.

Moving your face into her neck and smelling her. Lightly stroking her face with your finger, close in, looking into her eyes. Running your fingers through her hair, close in, looking into her eyes.

Holding her behind the neck with your palm to the side of her neck, looking into her eyesEscalation Ramp While the above steps from 1-7 may take anywhere from 30 minutesto 4 hours, the escalation ramp described on the following pages is veryrapid. The duration of the ramp should be about 5 - 15 minutes. Start theramp very quickly once you have complete isolation in a sex location. 6 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder8. Kissing Start kissing from a very close proximity. Dont come diving in lipsfirst from three feet away.

Ideally you should already be in a suitable posi-tion for kissing before you try. If you have overt class 3 kino taken care of,youre probably in the right spot. A technique for building sexual tension - move closely in, slowly as ifyou might kiss her, and then move away and start talking about somethingelse.

This will build the tension and she will wonder when youre going toactually kiss her. A technique to initiate kissing - try placing your finger just under-neath her chin and pulling her mouth towards yours. Kissing should be light and short at first. You should be the one topull away first.

Dont use too much tongue at first, just use it to tease her,and build anticipation.9. Kissing Her Neck Once you have kissed her for a bit, move down to her neck. Kiss itgently, while holding her close to you.Depending on how rough you want to set the mood, feel free to throw insome gentle biting too. 7 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc.

DiCarlo Escalation Ladder10. Touching the Bare Skin of Her Back Once you have established kissing both on her mouth and neck,move your hands to her waist and underneath her shirt. Continue to holdher close to you, now with your hands directly on her back.11. Stomach to Stomach Now that you have established touching her skin, below her shirt,simply move your hand to the front, and lift her shirt, exposing only herstomach. At the same time lift your shirt as well so that your abdomen is indirect contact with hers. It seems innocent, but will meanwhile trigger intense sexual feelingsinside of her.

The only time she feels contact like that is usually when shesnaked and having sex.12. Kissing her Body Having her shirt pulled up affords the opportunity of moving down-wards to kiss and caress the bare flesh of her abdomen. Start kissing herthere, along the sides, and move upwards.

Touching and kissing the breasts is optional. It is not necessary, andin some cases can be detrimental to your progress. There are some womenwho have a negative anchor to their breasts.

8 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder Inch toward their breasts and feel her reaction. If she becomes in-creasingly turned on, then go for it. If she starts to close down, skip thebreasts until you are already having sex.13.

Incidentally Stimulate Vagina While you are kissing her body, you can position yourself betweenher legs and use your midsection to rub against her vagina. If you are kiss-ing her mouth you can position your thigh to stimulate her vagina. You can also be kissing her body and reach between her legs andplant your hand on the bed below her.

Then use your forearm to stimulateher vagina. The key here is that because you arent using your hand or fin-gers, she has no basis for objection.14. Direct Vaginal Stimulation from Behind (Inside Panties) Once you have really amped her up by incidentally rubbing her va-gina, move your hand around to the back and slip it inside her panties andtouch her naked ass. Next move your hand all the way down and reach her vagina. Startfirst by touching the area around it. Then proceed to finger her from be-hind.

Women never expect to have it happen this way. Trying to reach yourhand down the front of her pants will often be resisted, but from the rear isunexpected and effective. 9 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder If she is wearing a skirt or dress, you will instead move your handup the back of her leg, and reach her vagina that way. Finger her and thenproceed directly to step 16.15. Direct Vaginal Stimulation in Front Get her heated up by fingering her, and then when once she is suffi-ciently turned on, undo the front of her pants with your other hand.

You can use the Situationally Relevant phrase 'My hand is beingcrushed' as you do it, although its usually not necessary. Since she is en-gaged by the fact that you are fingering her, she will rarely object to yoursimultaneous undoing of her pants. You may also have her undo her pants,by saying 'Unbutton your pants.' As you are fingering her. Moving to the front, youll be able to get more penetration with yourfingers, and get her to the point where she is practically begging for sex.Use a firm 'come-hither' motion pulling forward on the front vaginal walland stimulating her g-spot.

10 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder16. Remove Her Pants, Sex The idea is to get her so heated up by fingering her, that she makes acommitment to sex, verbally or physically.

There are a few ways to go about this. Firstly, it is very importantthat you dont stop fingering her before her pants are off. Too many timesa guy will stop fingering her, and then try to take off her pants, only to getmore resistance. While fingering her you can say 'Do you want me inside you?' Which will usually get a 'Yes.' At that point you say 'Ok, take offyour pants.'

And continue to finger her until her panties are off, and shesready to go. Another option is to skip the question and directly tell her to take offher pants. Usually with your fingers busy at work, she will be more thancompliant. Another technique is to ask her 'Do you want me to get a condom?' In 90% of all girls you ask this, they will say 'Yes.' Not because they aresaying they want sex, but because they want to appear safe and levelheaded.You will interpret this as the permission to get a condom and have sex withher, and it will most likely be met without opposition.

11 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder Additional Points1. Higher Levels Unlock Access to Lower Levels The rungs of the DiCarlo Escalation Ladder may be treated exactlythe same as compliance levels. The point is, any time you reach a higherlevel through situational relevance, it unlocks the lower levels automati-cally.

Kino escalation ladder

A good example of this is in a loud club or bar, you can reach in andtalk directly into her ear, getting incidental class 3 kino, touching the sideof your face to hers.You are speaking to her in a way that is dictated by the situation, so it isaccepted. If you accomplish this without her resistance, all lower levels willbecome unlocked. 12 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder2. Execution of the Escalation Ramp The escalation ramp, which consists of steps 8-16 is most effectivelyexecuted in isolation in a sex location.

It is not efficient to start the rampwith the intention of finishing it at a later time. Starting the ramp without finishing it will lead to an increase in flak-ing and decrease a womans attraction toward you. This is because these sexual behaviors were formed thousands ofyears ago when we were still living in caves. The natural instinctual urges,combined with a lack of knowledge of modern-day sexual consequencesmeant that escalation with a woman would 100% of the time lead to sex. By executing the ladder correctly, you are matching her genetic sex-ual programming and giving it to her the exact way that she wants it. It is acceptable to do the first part of the ramp - kissing - outside of asuitable sex location, but only if you plan on completing the ramp later inthat same meeting.

Its not to say that kissing a girl on a non-sex meet willdestroy your chances, but it certainly wont improve them. Kiss-closes may look impressive and feed your ego, but arent techni-cally optimum. 13 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder3. Incidental Vs.

Overt Kino There is always a question as to how to execute these different piecesof kino. In general, you should spend most of your time in the incidentalphase, getting her comfortable with contact in those regions.

Kino escalation ladder

This pattern of incidental followed by overt is almost a like a Jedimind trick. Use the incidental kino in a very non-invasive, very much un-der the radar manner, and her subconscious will automatically accept thesubsequent overt kino. Since she accepts the overt kino, it is through a process of backwardsrationalization that her attraction for you increases. The key is to make theovert kino extremely short. Each overt phase in the initial ladder should have a duration of 5-10seconds. Youre not going to be holding her hand in the club for 5 minutesat a time while in class 1.

Keep it short and sweet. 14 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder4.

Group Ladder Theory There is quite a bit of evidence supporting the idea of a 'group lad-der' concept. Within a tightly knit group of girls who share a 'collectiveemotional state' with each other, it is possible that whatever step on theladder you achieve with one girl can transfer over very easily to the othergirls in the group. In a sense, each group of girls has a ladder, which represents yourescalation with that group. If you can comfortably touch and hold a girl ata certain point in the ladder, it creates an implicit trust of 'this guy is cool'for the other girls in the group at that same level. Keep in mind, however, this does not include the escalation ramp,although it has been observed to happen with kissing quite readily. 15 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder5.

DiCarlo Escalation Ladder as a Standalone Method The DEL provides both a sufficient framework for escalation and alinear step-by-step process such that it could be used as a standalonemethod. You can use one of the many popular verbal structures out there,but basic conversational skills will suffice, given an elementary under-standing of the ladder. There is an inherent value and attractiveness to a man who can esca-late in such an intelligent and socially aware manner, which is why yourverbal content does not matter very much when using this method. The DiCarlo Escalation Ladder combined with enough conversa-tional skill to disengage her critical mind is a very powerful, yet 'natural'method. Vincent DiCarlo 16 © 2007 Vin DiCarlo Inc.