Old Three Stooges Movie

. So, by now, we’ve seen the unsettling but strangely intriguing Farrelly Brothers attempt to revive The Three Stooges as franchised characters instead of being what they’ve been all these years – three (or four well, six, technically, but we try not to think about Joe and Curly Joe) comedians with an ingenious talent for dimwittery, tomfoolery, knucklehead slapstick and zany antics. We can argue back and forth as to whether or not this was a good idea on the Farrellys’ part, but if anything, it sparked a revival in the classic films from the original comic artists, Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard and Shemp Howard. Which films, you ask? Well, how’z about we take a trip down Hilarious Lane with the 10 Best Three Stooges Shorts of All Time. Sure, let’s bust out the superlatives.

Three Stooges ORIGINAL vintage Studio Promotional Press Photos from the early 30's and 40's. These are not only the most incredible, but also RARELY seen Original. The Three Stooges are back, and going strong as ever! Twentieth Century Fox Studios and C3 Entertainment released the all new Three Stooges Movie as one of the biggest.

They made 220 of them, so it’s all opinion anyhow, see? “Hoi Polloi” (1935) The classic trope of rich people wagering over whether or not they can transform ruffians into high society dandies works well for the Stooges, who are picked up off the street while they’re shoveling rubbish. They proceed to learn next to nothing while their benefactor pulls his hair out in frustration. Their fancy coming out party involves shaving in mixed company, spring-loaded posteriors and a new slapstick trend among the highfalutin set. “Grips, Grunts and Groans” (1937) What’s not to love about mixing the Three Stooges with professional wrestling? This one takes the same schtick as their earlier film Punch Drunks (1934) – that Curly becomes a super-buttkicker under peculiar and specific circumstances – and trades pugilism for grappling. After getting big-time wrassler Bustoff too hammered to compete, they slap a fake beard on Curly to throw him in the ring, in the effort to keep themselves from getting moidelized by the ruthless gamblers betting on the match.

Curly uses the term ‘duck soup’ at one point, and one has to wonder if that isn’t a reference to their contemporaries, the Marx Brothers and their 1933 film. “Three Little Pigskins” (1934) Back when pro football was in its shady infancy and amateur athletics were the way to go, crime bosses tried to set up pro games to bet on them – and when the vagabond Stooges get mistaken for star athletes by one of the goons’ gals (another one of whom is played by a blonde Lucille Ball, no less), we get a load of running around in frilly nightgowns, and then even more running around on the gridiron with absolutely no clue how the game is played. You’ll get some similar clueless shenanigans in golf with The Three Little Beers (1935). “How High is Up?” (1940) We open with the Three Stooges sleeping underneath their car, because apparently they live there. After getting washed down the street and nearly run over by a truck, they proceed to have a protracted fight with Curly’s sweater. When they go on the run from pulling shenanigans to drum up business for their mending operation, they wind up being drafted as riveters on the 97th floor of a new skyscraper. So what do they do to solve Curly’s fear of heights?

Blindfold him and set him loose on the girders. Instant comic tension!

“Brideless Groom” (1947) Here’s a good one with ol’ Shemp, and it finds him with a deadline to get married or else he’ll lose half a million bucks in inheritance from his old skinflint uncle. Trouble is, he ain’t got a dame to his name, save for his most annoying singing student, who’s all too happy to tie the knot.

Of course, trouble arises when the news catches wind of the story, and every woman Shemp proposed to comes barging in to beat him up until he agrees to marry them – going so far as to put Shemp’s coconut in the letter press. Chaos ensues with a lot of women beating up the Stooges and Moe’s tuchus in a bear trap. Carrie and Fred understand that although we have so much in common, we’re each so beautifully unique and different. To help us navigate those differences, has found an easy and honest way to embrace our special selves in the form of a progressive new traffic system: a specific lane for every kind of driver. It’s all in honor of the show’s 8th and final season, and it’s all presented by Subaru.

Ready to find out who you really are? Match your personality to a lane and hop on the expressway to self-understanding. Lane 10: Trucks Piled With Junk Your junk is falling out of your trunk. Shake a tail light, people — this lane is for you.

Running time 92 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $30 million Box office $54.8 million The Three Stooges (also known as The Three Stooges: The Movie) is a 2012 American film based on the of the mid-20th century. The film was produced, written and directed by the and co-written. It stars, and, re-creating the characters played by, and. The film's story places the Stooges in a modern setting.

After over a decade of casting problems, took place from May to July 2011. The film was released on April 13, 2012. Contents. Plot The film is composed of three acts, which are referred to as episodes (a reference to how the original Three Stooges short films were packaged for television by ). Act / Episode 1: More Orphan Than Not In 1977, the children at the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage are playing soccer with an old soda can in the front yard. But then, Sister Mary-Mengele , the meanest & strictest nun in the gets their attention by telling them to go inside and do their work. The kids sing 'Everybody is Special', but she tells them to shut up and go to work.

Later, Moe, Larry and Curly are dumped on the doorstep of the orphanage from an unknown person’s car as babies. Ever since, the trio have wreaked havoc in the place, leaving the nuns who run it utterly terrified, especially Sister Mary-Mengele who has always hated the trio. Ten years later, in 1987, out of desperation, when a prospective couple comes to adopt, the exasperated nuns bring out the trio as being the only three available, eventually adding a fourth when another boy, enters the picture. The couple, the Harters ( and ), decides to pick Moe, but when he requests Larry and Curly to join him, he is dropped back off at the orphanage, and they choose Teddy instead.

25 years later in 2012, the trio (, and ) are adults, still living at the orphanage and working as janitors. Ratliffe arrives to give everyone an important message. After Monsignor Ratliffe tells Mother Superior that the orphanage is going to close, she tells Sister Mary-Mengele to get the trio.

Sister Mary-Mengele demands Mother Superior to tell them who’s responsible for the foreclosure of the orphanage, but Mother Superior tells her to just tell them what they need to hear. However, the three stooges injure Sister Mary-Mengele after she tells them that Mother Superior needs them. They head to Mother Superior until they cause Monsignor Ratliffe to fall on top of the nuns. Monsignor Ratliffe gets attacked by Moe, Larry and Curly, who think that Monsignor Ratliffe was with the nuns.

Monsignor Ratliffe is not going to adopt any of them either, as he is on. Curly says 'Official business?! Why didn't you say so?' And they take off their blue worksuits revealing their shirts and shorts and present themselves to be adopted. When they are informed that the orphanage will be forced to close down unless they can come up with $830,000 in 30 days, the trio volunteers to go out and try to raise the money somehow.

Sister Rosemary and the Stooges sing “', but Sister Mary-Mengele tells them to shut up. She tells them it is an orphanage and not a.

Some of the nuns think that the trio will not be able to succeed because the only people they know are nuns and kids, but Mother Superior thinks otherwise. Act / Episode 2: The Bananas Split A involves a woman named Lydia , who wants to kill her husband so she can be with her lover, Mac , & inherit her husband's considerable fortune. She then finds the three stooges & offers to pay the trio the money they need to take care of the job. They botch the job by letting Curly push Mac (the supposed husband) in front of a bus & leave Mac in traction in the hospital. When they try to visit Mac in the hospital to finish the job, they are chased by the cops throughout the hospital & escape by jumping off the roof using a fire hose. They end up running into a now grown up Teddy , who invites them to his anniversary party. It turns out that Lydia is Teddy's wife.

Their next scheme for raising the money is selling, with them scattering salmon on a & watering them like. But the same cops from the hospital arrive at the golf course to arrest them & the trio are chased off the golf course & they hide in an old building (getting in by using Curly as a battering ram to bust down the door), where they have a slapstick fight. Larry then stops the fight, & he & Curly then scold Moe for not accepting Teddy’s adoption; they could have used his adoptive parents’ wealth to help save the orphanage.

Moe angrily yells at them by telling them that he doesn’t care & also saying that he didn't need them. After deciding to split up, they leave the old building, with Moe left inside alone. Then it turns out that they were all on stage in front of an audition crew who select Moe to be the newest cast member of as 'Dyna-Moe'. Final Act / Episode 3: No Moe Mister Nice Guy Larry and Curly are getting along well without Moe, but they return to the orphanage, where they find out a girl named Murph is very ill, but has not been taken to the hospital because the orphanage has no medical insurance. Sister Mary-Mengele tells them that no one will insure the orphanage due to the trio’s numerous accidents & injuries over the years, & the $830,000 is needed in order to cover medical bills that accumulated over the years.

Sister Mary-Mengele blames the Stooges for causing the orphanage to close down. Larry and Curly later meet up with Teddy's adopted father about what happened at his office.

He confessed that Moe wanted him to go back for his friends to adopt them & he didn't want to so he gave Moe back & took Teddy in his place. Then Larry & Curly discover a picture of Teddy & Mr.

Harter with Lydia & Mac & realize that Teddy is the husband Lydia wanted to murder. In addition to this, they feel guilty for rebuking Moe in not accepting the Harter’s adoption & decide to go find him. Meanwhile, Moe has been causing a lot of havoc on 'Jersey Shore' by slapping the cast members around & not putting up with their spoiled antics. The cast go to the producer & tell him to kick Moe off of the show or sue him.

The producer then fills them in on the show is all about ratings NOT them. Larry & Curly finally go to the set of ‘’Jersey Shore’’ to reunite with Moe & they all head to the anniversary party where they appear to thwart the murder plot, getting in as balloon men. When they get inside, Curly gives the balloons to a little girl and she floats up due to the balloons. Later, they get chased by the angry Lydia & Mac after the same girl’s(the one Curly handed the balloons to) balloons are popped and she falls onto the wedding cake, destroying it. Moe, Larry, and Curly are chased into Teddy’s bedroom, finding Teddy on the bed, drowsy. Teddy’s dad appears and tells Mac to put his gun down.

Mac then says Lydia was “calling the shots. Teddy’s dad confesses that he was “calling the shots”. The trio realize that Mr. Harter was the real & Lydia was working for him. He married into the money & was incensed to find out the money was left to Teddy & not him when Teddy’s mother died years earlier. They are taken for a ride, but the car crashes into the water when Curly’s pet rat Nippy distracts them; then, they all escape when Curly, & they light it with “waterproof, strike-anywhere matches” Larry had, causing enough of an to blow out the windows. Once they are back on land, Mr.

Harter, Lydia & Mac are arrested, & Teddy thanks the trio for saving him. When the stooges request the $830000, he says no, stating he refuses to help the same orphanage that gave him up to a father that almost tried to kill him, as well as sending him to Military school when he was 7 & other things over the years. A couple months later, the trio return to the now-condemned & abandoned orphanage. They then start crying for feeling like failures, but then they hear kids laughing, swimming & playing. When they investigate, they find out a whole brand new orphanage was built next door, complete with a swimming pool, a basketball court and a tennis court. They soon learn that the money came from the Jersey Shore 's producers who consider this as an advance payment in relation to a new reality show, Nuns vs.

Nitwits, in which the entire trio will be part of. Murph is revealed to be perfectly fine & her illness was due to poison in the cheese (really from rat traps in the attic), but that Larry has always suspected was from too much iron in the water.

Then she, along with her brothers Peezer & Weezer (the latter thought to have been lost forever to a foster home), will be adopted by Teddy & his new fiancee, Ling. In the end, after causing one more incident (namely, Curly accidentally knocking Sister Mary-Mengele into the pool with a folded-up diving board as she says 'I'm gonna mash your heads like potatoes!!' ), the trio run away & bounce off trampolines out of the orphanage onto mules, where they ride away from the orphanage, off into the distance. Post-script epilogue An consists of two actors ( and Justin Lopez) playing, explaining that the stunts were all done by professionals, showing the foam rubber props used in the film for the trio to hit one another, demonstrating the fake eye-poke trick (to the eyebrows), and advising children not to try any of the stunts at home. During the end credits, a music video plays showing the Stooges and Sister Rosemary performing ', originally recorded by in 1970, interspersed with excerpts from and a couple of brief. Though credited to 'The Spinners and The Three Stooges', Hudson's own distinctive vocals can also be heard.

Cast. as, the nearly smartest & most relaxed member of the Stooges. Lance Chantiles-Wertz as young Larry. as, the goofy & dim-witted member of the Stooges. as young Curly.

as, the aggressive and short-tempered leader of the Stooges. as young Moe. as Mother Superior, the head nun of the orphanage the stooges grew up in.

as Theodore J. 'Teddy' Harter, a long-lost friend of the Stooges who they met at the orphanage. Harter, Teddy’s adoptive father, who is a lawyer that married into money, rather than love. He wants to murder his adopted son out of spite because his late wife & Teddy's deceased mother both left their inheritance to him, rather than himself. He had originally wanted to adopt Moe, but when he insisted that he returns & adopt Larry and Curly, he dropped him back off at the orphanage & took Teddy in his place. as Lydia Harter who was Teddy’s wife that wanted to exploit the stooges. She wants to murder him in order to gain his inheritence.

She hates the trio for thwarting her plans to murder Teddy. as Mac Mioski, Lydia's lover and henchman. as Sister Mary-Mengele, a bad-tempered nun at the orphanage.

as Sister Rosemary, a nun who works at the orphanage. as Monsignor Ratliffe. as Nursery Nurse, a nurse who works at the hospital. Caitlin Colford as Katilyn, a nurse who first notices the Stooges when they first come to the orphanage. Harter's wife who adopted Teddy and leaves the entire inheritance to Teddy over her husband. as Sister Bernice, a nun at the orphanage.

as Sister Ricarda, a nun at the orphanage. as Murph, a sick girl at the orphanage who is a friend of the Stooges. as Peezer, Murph's best friend and a friend of the Stooges. Reid Meadows as Weezer, Peezer's brother; adopted by Teddy.

as Ling, Mr. Harter's counselor and eventually becomes Teddy's 2nd wife.

as Ralph, a producer for Jersey Shore. as herself. as himself. as herself. Justin Lopez as Peter Farrelly, Bobby's older brother and co-director of the Film. as Bobby Farrelly, Peter's younger brother and co-director of the film. as himself.

as herself. as himself, a basketball player who teaches at the new orphanage. Production Development and writing A Three Stooges film set in the modern day had been in development since at least the mid-1990s; creator wrote and developed a version in 1997 that had attached to play Moe. Conundrum Entertainment's Bradley Thomas became attached to The Three Stooges around 2000 with.

In March 2001, bought the feature rights from C3 Entertainment and and became involved. They along with co-writer completed the script in mid-to-late 2002 and began shopping it. In 2004, with no talent being attached to the project, their rights expired and it was acquired by and C3 Entertainment.

In November 2008, boss picked up The Farrelly's Warner Bros. Scripts and the rights from C3 Entertainment, and was given a budget of $40 million with a release date of November 20, 2009.

In March 2009, after struggling with casting delays, the release date was pushed to 2010, but the filmmakers still did not have a cast set. In November 2010, and the following month the project was taken over by in hopes to have released the film in 2011. The Farrellys said that they were not going to do a biopic or remake, but instead new Three Stooges episodes set in the present day.

The film was divided into three segments with a stand-alone story, each being 27 minutes long. The Farrellys aimed to receive a PG (Parental Guidance) rating from the, while still incorporating.

In Britain several images were cut before the film achieved the equivalent rating. The Farrellys have also said it would have 'non-stop slapping, more in the tone of than we've done. Our goal is 85 minutes of laughs in a film that will be very respectful of who the Stooges were. It's by far the riskiest project we've ever done, without question, but it is also the one closest to our hearts.' The original Three Stooges in 1937 In March 2009, and were in consideration to play the lead role of. The role of Moe went to. Was already set to play but dropped out to concentrate on his.

Was chosen to play Larry. Was set to play and gained 40 pounds for the role but ultimately dropped out because of not wanting to endanger his health gaining 60 to 70 pounds. The role went to., and were all on the to play Moe, Larry and Curly, respectively. As the Farrellys note in the DVD/Blu-ray featurette on casting the picture, Sasso was cast as Curly despite being considerably taller than the other Stooges (the original Curly was roughly the same height as Moe and Larry). In December 2010, was in talks to play Mother Superior in the film. In February 2011, was considered but secured the role. Plays another nun in the film called Sister Mary-Mengele, a character named after the infamous.

Was cast as Lydia. Was cast as Mr. Harter and as his wife, Mrs.

The cast of (, Paul DelVechhio, and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro) have cameos in the film. Filming On a reported budget of $30 million, started on May 9, 2011, in, Georgia and on July 20, 2011. Scenes were shot at the Historic District around 5 Points Sports Building on the corner of, Edgewood Ave., and Decatur St. On the evening and night of May 13 and wrapped the next day. On May 26, filming took place at in Atlanta. Other locations included, Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital, and. In June, production moved to and shot scenes near.

After the cast of the Jersey Shore arrived on July 18, 2011, they shot scenes at the. During the last two days of filming, scenes were shot at an home. Filming concluded on July 22, 2011, at the, a popular marine life park in, capturing a scene in their dolphin tank. Release and Reception Appearance on WWE Raw To promote the film, Diamantopoulos, Hayes, and Sasso appeared as the Stooges on on April 9, 2012. They acted in several scenes, the first with, before later taking to the ring where they were booed by an infuriated crowd before Sasso, dressed as, received a. Box office On its opening weekend in US, The Three Stooges earned $17.1 million and debuted second behind.

The film has grossed $54,819,301 in the box office, and at least $23,875,651 through US sales. Critical reception gives the film a rating of 51% based on reviews from 142 critics; the average rating is 5.4/10. The site's critical consensus reads, 'While nowhere near as painful as it could have been, The Three Stooges fails to add fresh laughs to the Stooges' inestimable cinematic legacy.' Gives the film a score of 56 out of 100, based on reviews from 26 critics, indicating 'mixed or average reviews'. Despite the mixed reviews, Diamantopoulos, Hayes, and Sasso were praised for their performances as Moe, Larry, and Curly.

Todd McCarthy of described it as 'A funny, good-hearted resuscitation of Hollywood's beloved lowbrow lunkheads', while of lauded the film as a 'thoroughly enjoyable paean to Moe, Larry and Curly and the art of the eye poke'. Gave the movie a fairly good review, insisting that the movie is great for families, and hardcore Stooge-fans will not be disappointed. They also went on to praise the actors for their portrayal of the Stooges, saying the likeness was uncanny, and perhaps even Oscar-worthy.

Gave the movie 2½ out of 4 stars, stating 'The Farrelly brothers have made probably the best Three Stooges movie it's possible to make in 2012, and perhaps ever since the Stooges stopped making them themselves.' Some critics however complained about the forced pop culture references such as cameos by cast members which were presumably done to ensure the movie would have youth appeal and not simply be a nostalgia trip for older audiences.

Betsy Sherman of gave it 3 out of 4 stars, saying it was 'funny and faithful', and added that the film contains 'stories that could have graced the Stooges' 1930s shorts (raise money to save an orphanage, stumble into a greedy wife's plot) onto the present and imagine how they'd interpret modern concepts '. Of magazine gave it 2 stars out of 4, commenting that 'the movie is a mixed bag. The gags don't blossom with repetition. The Stooges were always better in short doses. And 90 minutes of PG nyuk-nyuk-nyuk can seem like an eternity. For the Farrellys, The Three Stooges is a labor of love.

For non-believers, it's merely a labor.' Travers also praised the cast, stating 'The actors deserve a full-throated woo-woo-woo!' Adding that 'Hayes, Sasso and Diamantopoulos do themselves and the Stooges proud.' Bill Wine of in Philadelphia commented that 'no one's going to confuse The Three Stooges with a transcendent movie anytime soon, but the Farrellys do capture and reproduce the anarchic spirit and uninhibited essence of the Stooges—soitenly and poifectly, as the Stooges would put it—and remind us why they had such a hold on some of us in decades past. The three leads are expert mimics—especially Hayes.they acquit themselves admirably.'

Criticism for anti-Catholicism , president of the anti-defamation organization, released a statement condemning the film for its disrespectful portrayal of Catholics, specifically nuns. Donohue pinpointed a scene in the film involving two unusual nuns, portrayed by swimsuit model and creator. Both are potential causes for offense for different reasons, as reported: 'In Stooges, David portrays Sister Mary-Mengele. The name is a nod to the late, an Officer who decided prisoners' fates. As for Upton, it's not so much her character's name—Sister Bernice—as it is her attire. During one scene, the swimsuit model dons a very revealing bikini along with a large rosary around her neck.' Accolades The cast of Jersey Shore were each nominated for a for for their work on the film, but lost to and for.

The film received a nomination for worst film of the year by the. Home media The Three Stooges was released on and on July 17, 2012. The release includes behind-the-scenes featurettes, a screen test featuring the three lead actors testing out a scene later reshot for the movie, and a selection of deleted scenes. Of note is the inclusion of the theatrical trailer which, as mentioned above, contains numerous differences compared to the final film. Sequel On May 7, 2015, a sequel was announced, with, and all reprising their roles.

Cameron Fay has been hired to write the script. It will begin production in 2018.

Moe Howard

References. Retrieved February 27, 2017. Schutte, Lauren (September 9, 2011). Retrieved September 12, 2011. May 28, 2012. Retrieved December 3, 2016.

^ Fitzmaurice, Sarah (May 26, 2011). Retrieved May 28, 2011. Retrieved January 22, 2018. Thomas, Mike (September 2014). You Might Remember Me: The Life and Times of Phil Hartman (First ed.). New York, NY: St. Martin's Press.


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Retrieved July 18, 2011. ^ Brett, Jennifer (July 20, 2011). Retrieved July 22, 2011. April 28, 2011. Retrieved May 28, 2011. ^ Frederick, Kori (July 20, 2011).

Old Three Stooges Videos

Retrieved July 23, 2011. Brett, Jennifer (June 29, 2011).

Retrieved June 30, 2011., Covering Media. Sean O'Neal (April 10, 2012).

Three Stooges

Retrieved January 22, 2018. Retrieved January 22, 2018. Retrieved January 22, 2018. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved 11 August 2012. at. ^ at.

(April 12, 2012). Betsy Sherman (April 23, 2012).

Peter Travers (April 12, 2012). Bill Wine (April 18, 2012). April 12, 2012. Retrieved 2012-04-15.

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