Drobo Unable To Firmware Update

Drobo: replacing a failed drive. “The Drobo firmware update. The update appeared to go OK until it was time to reboot the Drobo. The dashboard was unable.

Last week, I swapped a new set of four 2-terabyte drives into one of the Drobo arrays. I formatted the drive as an 8 GB single partition, created the top level directories, and set Vice Versa to work backing up the server on line files. After about two days, all the data had been transferred, but an anomaly had developed. The Drobo dashboard showed that 800 GB of storage have been used, while Windows Explorer said that 2.4 terabytes had been used. I decided to ignore the discrepancy, figuring that it was just a bit of unimportant weirdness. Today, after a server reboot occasioned by operating system updates, the Drobo dashboard indicated a drive failure in the array with the new disks. I pulled out the drive with the red light next to it and installed a fresh 2 terabyte drive in that slot.

After 15 or 20 seconds, a green light came on next to the slot. Then I looked at the Drobo dashboard. It indicated that all drives were ready, and said that I could add capacity at any time by replacing a drive with a drive of larger capacity. This gave me some pause, because there had been nowhere near enough time for the Drobo to rebuild the array.

I talked to the Data Robotics support people about the issue. When I went to the Drobo dashboard, I notice that my support agreement had expired. I went to the website to renew it, and after taking all my credit card and other information, Drobo gave me a screen that said “DroboCare Out of Warranty is no longer being sold”. That left me somewhat confused. I called Drobo tech support.

The tech helped me without asking about the service agreement. At first he said this immediate green light business was normal operation, and that the Drobo will have sufficient redundancy even without the new disk. I told him that, even though there was little enough data for the Drobo to achieve redundancy with only three disks, it wouldn’t have had a chance to do that after the disk failure, since I replace the failed disk with a new one only a few minutes after the failure. Then he said the thing to do was to shut down the computer, power down the Drobo, reboot the computer, and power up the Drobo. I did that, and the rebuild did not start. The tech and said after doing the power cycle I should probably update the Drobo firmware. I tried to do that, and got a message that said: “The Drobo firmware update was unsuccessful.

Please contact Drobo customer support.” So I did. The (new) tech said that, although the automatic update procedure built into the Drobo dashboard updates the device firmware before it updates the dashboard itself, the dashboard needed to be updated before the firmware update would take.

I temporarily disabled all the Vice Versa scripts. Under the direction of the tech, I put the Drobos in standby, unplugged the USB cables, unplugged power cables, uninstalled the Drobo dashboard, downloaded the latest version, installed it, plugged the USB cables back in, and plugged the power cables back in.

Then I let the dashboard make another attempt at upgrading the firmware. The update appeared to go OK until it was time to reboot the Drobo. The dashboard was unable to shut it down, and told me to shut down the operating system, power cycle the unit, and restart the operating system. I did so, but in a slightly different order and recommended by the dashboard. I use the order recommended by the tech previously: power down the computer, unplug the AC cable, reboot the computer, and plug in the AC cable. The system came back up with the right firmware installed, and still no indication of a rebuild taking place on the Drobo with the recently-replaced drive. This is a mystery to me.

I can imagine how it is possible, when the Drobo has data occupying less than half of its capacity, for the disk controller to construct two separate mirrors, rather than using RAID 5. It could also construct a RAID 6 array, and scale it back to a RAID 5 upon failure of one of the disks.

Both of these are pretty sophisticated strategies, and don’t seem consistent with the overall approach of the basic Drobo boxes. The Data Robotics web site isn’t forthcoming with what’s going on behind the curtain, and the techs, while genuinely trying to be helpful, don’t seem to know. I’ve spent a great deal of the day messing with computers instead of making photographs. Time to get back to that. Brooks – Very sorry to read about your experience, but glad to hear there was a happy ending and all your data is safe and protected (which is really what Drobo is all about). I’m not sure what the issue might have been regarding the capacity discrepancy of Drobo Dashboard and Windows Explorer, but maybe I can shed some light on what appeared to be an unrealistically fast array rebuild.

A lot of folks don’t realize that BeyondRAID is “data aware” and knows how much capacity on the drives actually contain data. This is what enables Drobo to know how much capacity is being used and communicate via the blue LED capacity indicators and also notify (via yellow or red drive LED) when a new, larger drive is required. This data awareness also allows Drobo to detect large data transfers (like you transferred the initial 2.4TB of data), analyze how much capacity it has available, and use more efficient mirroring techniques (as opposed to striping with parity) to give you the best performance possible during the transfer. Once the data is on the drives, Drobo will periodically re-layout mirrored data in a striping with parity scheme as this provides the best combination of redundancy and usable capacity (assuming the system has more than two drives which is the case for your system). What I think occurred in this instance is that Drobo had a majority of the data on three of the drives since there was plenty of capacity available, and it just so happened that the fourth drive (which contained little-to-no data) is the one that failed before the Drobo needed to re-layout any data to free up space. Hence the almost instant rebuild that occurred. Sorry again about the issue, but hopefully this gives you some insight into how your experience – while not possible with a traditional RAID array – could be expected with a Drobo and BeyondRAID.

Regards, Jim Sherhart Data Robotics. Hello, I wanted to share my recent Drobo experience so other users could find more help like I did. First, I have had a 4 Bay Drobo Gen 1 for a few years and use Mac OS X Yosemite. I bought it used on eBay.

I loaded it full of 4 – 2TB drives and used it with Carbon Copy Cloner to make regular copies of all my drives. I never had a problem till recently when it started to unmount sporadically. Sure enough, one the drives finally went bad.

One of the drive bay lights was blinking red like it should. Here’s what I did. 1) Be very patient and don’t give up. It all looked pretty bleak the night before I got it all to work. 2) Update the Drobo Dashboard app.

I had to do this twice to get to the latest version. This will allow you to get to step 3. 3) Update the firmware. I was on the oldest version.

V 1.3.8 was the version that worked for my Gen 1. The Dashboard is what allows you to update the firmware under Tools. Follow the troubleshooting tips on one the links below. I had to do some quirky Mac OS stuff but it all worked after a few tries. Again, be patient and stay positive. 4) If you’re still unsuccessful, try replacing the bad drive with your new one. That’s what I did sort of by accident, but everything worked out eventually.

Below are some the pages that were helpful.

Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares - Printable Version - Printable Version +- Drobo Forums ( +- Forum: Drobo ( /forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +- Forum: NAS Products ( /forumdisplay.php?fid=61) +- Forum: Drobo 5N ( /forumdisplay.php?fid=40) +- Thread: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares ( /showthread.php?tid=143662) Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -06:02 PM When I opened Drobo dashboard today I got a notice that firmware 3.2.1 was available and asked if I wanted to update my device. I'm normally wary of updates like this, as my 5N has been running well with its current firmware, but I figured what the hell, Drobo must know what it's doing, they wouldn't push out an update without extensive testing. After all, ALL their customer's data is at risk here. So I went ahead and initiated the update. It seemed to complete successfully and prompted for a reboot of the device.

I told it to go ahead and waited for it to come back up. It did so and reappeared in the dashboard except now I can't access any data on it. Even the default 'Public' share is inaccessible even if I remap it through the dashboard. Needless to say I am NOT happy, and Drobo's support options are woefully lacking. I tried calling their support number and was told since I don't have Drobocare I should open a ticket on the website. I tried that and got a message saying ' We see you have encountered an error while trying to access your account. Please email your first and last name, username and phone number to us at sso@drobo.com'.

I attempted to initiate a support chat session and got this message: 'We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our operators are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we'll get back to you shortly.'

So apparently the only way to access support is via email, with no indication of when or if my issue will be addressed. At this point I have no idea if I will ever be able to access my data again. Not a good impression from a company that wants you to trust it with your data. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -12:36 AM I am sorry for the issues you are having with your 5N, can you confirm if you did create a case in the support portal? If you have registered your 5N, you can create a case in the support portal to have your issue further reviewed. If you are still unable to access your shares, please try placing the unit into RO mode, and then contacting support for the next steps. If you have dropbear or an SSH app installed, please try SSH'ing to the unit to see if you can see the shares in your unit.

Please file a ticket right away and support can help you regain access to your data. Drobo Support RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -07:41 AM I have not created a support ticket, since as I mentioned above when I try to do so I get a message stating 'We see you have encountered an error while trying to access your account. Please email your first and last name, username and phone number to us at sso@drobo.com'.

I have emailed that address but unsurprisingly have not received a response. I do not know how to place the unit into RO mode. I am able to SSH into the unit and view the shares. All installed Droboapps appear to be running correctly. How do I proceed? RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -01:17 AM Just chiming in, I'm having exactly the same problems after 3.2.1 upgrade. I've lodged a support ticket and have not heard back as of yesterday (understand that it's easter).

How To Firmware Update Focusrite Clarett

Really hoping this can be sorted out, very worried. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -08:40 PM Having the same issue. Right after the upgrade then reboot system shows drive failure and in critical status. However the Drive screen shows them all Green and good. I was able to generate a diag and opened a web based ticket, so I HOPE they can fix this ASAP.

Unable to access my data! RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -09:49 AM So, while Drobo's support staff were off enjoying their Easter leaving me without access to about 7 TB of data, I thought I'd do a little experimenting. While the existing shares were completely inaccessible from anywhere on my network I thought I'd try creating a new share and see if I could access that.

Lo and behold, after creating a new share the old shares came back to life and access to my old data is apparently recovered. Something to try for anyone experiencing a similar problem who can't get a resolution from Drobo 'support'. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -09:01 PM Just an update, had a detailed response to this issue from Drobo support. This adviced me to basically remove the drives and perform a manual firmware installation. I followed all the steps and unfortunately, problem still exists with some files inaccessible initially, followed by completely inaccessible after a little while. Drobo 5N still all green lights but nothing works. Also tried davel23's solution above but no dice.

Have reverted to Drobo support, asking if it's possible even to revert back to older firmware.will post here when/if any updates. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -05:29 AM An update for those who care and might be in a similar situation. My case was escalated and I submitted several diagnostic files, and I was eventually asked to remove the msata card. I did that and booted up at which point the system was reporting as critical.I was then asked to run the Drobo repair tools which is a process that's now been running for over 55 hours and appears to have stalled. This is not good. I have gone back to the support team to ask for what's next.

Extremely angry about all this, but I will acknowledge that the support guys have been very quick in responding and attempting to help with a seriously f.&%d up situation. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -07:37 AM I'm in the same boat. Under 3.2.1 smb shares are no longer visible even though dashboard is fine and media devices still see content through Media Tomb app. You cannot even see the Drobo itself when browsing the network.

I submitted a ticket with a diag file last night so they probably haven't even seen it yet, even though this appears to not be an isolated incident. Some of the fixes y'all have been told to try honestly scare me. I only have 4½TB of data. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:55 AM I friend of mine ran into this exact same problem. We found that you can still access your files with AFP (if you're lucky enough to have a Mac). He didn't try SSH but I'm sure that would have worked too.

We also found that if you create a new share, your other SMB (windows) shares are magically available. However if you reboot the Drobo, they become inaccessible again.

He is currently removing all data off the Drobo on to spare drives. We are going to try reinitializing the Drobo, create new shares, see if they remain accessible even after a reboot, then repopulate the Drobo.

I'll follow up with our results soon. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -03:03 PM Huh, you're right, a reboot of the Drobo makes the SMB shares vanish again. And here I thought I had found a solution. How disappointing. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -09:26 PM same issue all over the place every one is having issues with the frimeware 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 seemed to destory every ones shares and files. they need to have some type of better file recovery and abilty to look at the drives data on them form direct form windows system. Along some type of share file repair system built into the drobo that do not wipe the shares clean.

Current repair button will just wipe every thing and then rebuild shares, not really a good fix if you ask me. Also I did some testing i removed the my disk from the drobo and put new disk in and let it build new shares and that worked even after a reboot. Seems its shares built under older version moving to this newer version that get fed. Is it possiable to download older frimeware and software and run it to recover our data that way? RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:21 PM Don't go removing and reinserting drives, you're asking for trouble.

That kind of action will certainly put you at great risk. Your data is still there, you just can't access it. I think the SMB sharing (samba) services aren't being started properly. You can access your data through AFP just fine. Just create a new share and name it what ever you want, and you can access your data again.

If you reboot your Drobo, just renaming the share will get you going again. Also manually upgrading to 3.2.2 does not fix the problem. We are moving the data off our Drobo and reinitializing it. No this is not an in place fix, and heck I'm not even sure if it will work. I'm thinking that there might be a problem with backwards compatibility with the old shares on the new firmware. So by reinitializing the Drobo, the underlying file system and new shares would be created by the new firmware, and it might not have to deal with any backwards compatibility issues.

It's really just conjecture, because I don't work for Drobo and I have no idea on how the system internals actually work. It's just something to try. I'll report back in the morning. Or, you can just sit back and wait for an official response from Drobo, and possibly an in place patch (hopefully soon). And what ever you do. Don't remove drives! RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -10:00 AM!

This Works: 0) Create a new share. All your SMB shares will magically begin working. Don't modify anything else.


(Thanks to davel23 for discovering this.) 1) Move your data off Drobo. (You should have spare drives for the sole purpose of cold storage. You're not keeping a single copy of all of your data on the Drobo right? Tisk tisk) 2) Upgrade Drobo firmware to 3.2.2. (I was unable to test with 3.2.1 firmware) 3) Reinitialize (factory reset) 4) Create new shares 5) Upload your data back to the Drobo.

This will take a lot of time. You will need spare drives to temporarily store your data.

+ This is safe, as you will have a copy of your data before any Drobo modifications. + SMB shares will persist even after a reboot. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:07 AM ( 10:00 AM)redmist Wrote:! This Works: 0) Create a new share.


All your SMB shares will magically begin working. Don't modify anything else. (Thanks to davel23 for discovering this.) 1) Move your data off Drobo.

(You should have spare drives for the sole purpose of cold storage. You're not keeping a single copy of all of your data on the Drobo right? Tisk tisk) 2) Upgrade Drobo firmware to 3.2.2. (I was unable to test with 3.2.1 firmware) 3) Reinitialize (factory reset) 4) Create new shares 5) Upload your data back to the Drobo. This will take a lot of time. You will need spare drives to temporarily store your data. + This is safe, as you will have a copy of your data before any Drobo modifications.

+ SMB shares will persist even after a reboot. This is not a good test if u do this you will lose everything on your drive so this fix is worth less.

The whole point of a mass storage NAS that hold 8tb worth of data with reduncady that runs over 1k$ is to keep your info on it. Tisk tisk on drobo for fucking stuff up that was working fine. Not all of us have money to buy two or three drobos and fillt hem all with 16 tb of hard drives for mutil redundcy where not huge company's with 1k$ dollars to spend on stuff like that. When company put out a software update that changes how the hardware is working and causes the stuff to break.

And then tell you o u need to pay us to recover it. Or you just have to wipe every thing. That is un acceptable. They caused it they need to fix it. Your logic of tisk tisk is same as telling someone. Hay you bought a brand new car and i smashed and but hay thats your fault that you now cant get where you need to go because you should bought two cars instead of one. If company was going to use there customers as a sounding board for testing they should provided to drobos for price of one.

Then agin it would never mattered how many times you had it backed up or how many drobos you have because frime ware update would went to all of them so all you back up drobos including your main drobo would gotten fucked. So back up redundancy that you implying we should had would never worked anyways due to this push of frimeware. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:32 AM ( 11:07 AM)midn8t Wrote: this is not a good test This is not a hypothetical test. I have performed this on an actual device with success. I have provided the Drobo community a usable work around. ( 11:07 AM)midn8t Wrote: if u do this you will lose everything on your drive so this fix is worth less. My instructions clearly indicate that you are making a backup of your data before making any potentially destructive changes to your Drobo.

( 11:07 AM)midn8t Wrote: the whole point of a mass storage NAS that hold 8tb worth of data with reduncady that runs over 1k$ is to keep your info on it. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Drobo is simply just a basket. I do believe that Drobo provides the most safest basket, with practically zero administration. ( 11:07 AM)midn8t Wrote: tisk tisk on drobo for fucking stuff up that was working fine. I'm sorry you feel that way.

Just remember Drobo didn't loose your data. The SMB share is simply not working for some reason.

( 11:07 AM)midn8t Wrote: not all of us have money to buy two or three drobos and fillt hem all with 16 tb of hard drives for mutil redundcy where not huge company's with 1k$ dollars to spend on stuff like that. Cold storage. You don't need another drobo. You could even use really affordable bluray disks. Slow but it works. Did you know?

As unbelievable as it sounds Facebook does this. ( 11:07 AM)midn8t Wrote: when company put out a software update that changes how the hardware is working and causes the stuff to break. I agree this is bad. And I'm sure Drobo as a company will learn from this and their QA guys will probably get a slap on the wrist for releasing some bad firmware. And it's probably why they are taking longer to release a patch, QA guys are probably being extra careful on the next release. You sound frustrated with Drobo and you should direct your anger in their direction.

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:46 AM here is fix for any one having this issue and what is actually broken, its not the shares it is not the files or the drives, the they messed up the device and device name, so that it is no longer able to be seen on network. Pretty much the drobo device name is hidden now from the networks the frimware took the drobo workgroup device name from the old version and hide it form upnp so it can not be seen on the local network and thus making it so no one can access there shares. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -06:21 AM Man I'm so angry about this firmware update.after being told to remove the msata drive (which resulted in a critical health warning) the machine took 9 days to repair at which point I get exactly the same issue again afterwards and nothing works. This is so unbelievably F-D up.I've been patient now for 2 weeks with no results what so ever. Will be keeping my eyes on this thread so if anyone gets their machine back in a working order, please share. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -08:29 AM Same problem here and now dashboard is 'unable to find Drobos on the network'.restarted, reset, tried a clean install of dashboard on a second windows 7 laptop. I can ping the IP successfully but when I try to log directly, map the drive, or use a shell I get 'connection refused'.

On my Mac I get 'SMB share' error. Tried direct connection and editing my NIC IP address and it shows connected.

It's like after the update I am 'banned' from accessing the Drobo. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -09:49 AM You have two known workarounds. Option 1) Create a new share.

You can leave it empty. The simple act of creating the share will cause all your SMB shares to magically begin working.

You should be fine as long as you don't reboot. If you reboot the Drobo your shares will not be visible again.

Just rename your newly created share to something else, and everything will work again. Now just sit back and wait for a permanent patch from Drobo. If you need a more permanent solution, and you can't wait for a patch try option 2. Option 2) You will be basically backing up your Drobo 5N, reinitializing, and restoring the data back on to your Drobo. This will take time and you will need to find some place to temporarily store your data. (You should have a back up of your data anyways, and now is probably a good time as any.) 0) Create a new share.

All your SMB shares will magically begin working. Don't modify anything else. (Thanks to davel23 for discovering this.) 1) Move or Copy your data off Drobo. (You should have spare drives for the sole purpose of cold storage. You're not keeping a single copy of all of your data on the Drobo right?

Tisk tisk) 2) Upgrade Drobo firmware to 3.2.2. (I was unable to test with 3.2.1 firmware) 3) Reinitialize (factory reset) 4) Create new shares 5) Upload your data back to the Drobo. This will take a lot of time. You will need spare drives to temporarily store your data. + This is safe, as you will have a copy of your data before any potentially dangerous Drobo modifications. + SMB shares will persist even after a reboot. + I know this process has been successfully tested on two other Drobo 5N's.

There has been some criticism on step 1. Stating that your drobo -is- your back up, and I totally get that. I'm not asking you to get another drobo and more drives. Heck I can't justify that kind of spending. Buy yourself as many 6Tb drives that you will need to hold your data.

Pop them into your PC or externally with a USB3 to SATA adapter. When are done with them; you can return the drives back to the store, increase the capacity of your 5N, uhh actually use them for cold storage, or just whatever you want. If you are really short on cash, think out of the box, maybe try burning to bluray at 25Gb or 50Gb at a time.

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:18 AM How can I create a new share if Drobo Dashboard will not detect the Drobo in the first place? Using OS X 10.10.3 RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -12:33 PM Oh that's not good. Amaly76 I would create a new thread stating your problem, if you believe that the firmware update caused the problem mention that too.

Not to mix issues in this thread. If others are having the same problem as you, it will be easier for them to find, read, and try the recommendations made by the community. There are lots of things to try and settings to adjust when the dashboard is not working. In your new thread.

What firmware and dashboard versions do you have? Drobo status lights, are they normal? Have you tried disabling the Mac firewall?

Is your drobo configured with a static IP or dynamic? If you know the IP address of you drobo can you ping it from your Mac? Have you double checked the discovery settings within the dashboard app, and what are they set to? Did you check the ethernet link status lights on the drobo? Also mention any other troubleshooting steps that you already tried.

There are lots of questions and possibilities RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:46 PM issue seems to be the fact that drobo not starting network services any more. And these i think are better resources now. ( 11:18 AM)amaly76 Wrote: How can I create a new share if Drobo Dashboard will not detect the Drobo in the first place? Using OS X 10.10.3 you can use the above links to diagnostic ur issue some what direct connect the drobo with a cat6 cable to back of your computer wait 3 mins or so then start the drobo dashboard if the drobo dash board can not find your device then the device is broken. That is about as much as i know about that part so far. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -08:33 PM I was wondering if anyone's had a similar experience to me.

Still having issues after the firmware 3.2.1 where support eventually told me to remove the mSata which resulted in the Drobo needing to repair itself. This was on 15 April and the repair has been going since then which is now over 1000 hours. There is around 4TB of data on the unit and support keeps telling me to just wait for the repair to finish and not upgrade firmware/software or anything else. Is it reasonable to be waiting this long for this process to complete?

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -01:08 PM Add me to the list. Running Yosemite 10.10.3. Everything was working fine until the aforementioned firmware update. Even tried a pinhole reset (luckily I still had all my files on my old 2nd Gen Drobo) without any luck. Installed Drobo Dashboard on an older Windows 7 machine, plugged the 5N directly to it and still nothing.

Started a case on the phone and the CSR told me to run ping and telnet tests and to send them screen grabs for them to evaluate. I can't believe they'd release a firmware update without even testing the darn thing in-house, but from all the threads I've been reading on this issue, it looks like that's exactly what happened. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -02:58 PM I am having the same issue and it all started when I updated to the latest firmware. My FS which has worked wonderfully since I bought it years ago suddenly disappeared from my network. Status in dashboard looks fine. I can still see usage and capacity. And I can see my shares in the share manager, but it will not mount any.

After going round and round with the 'end of warranty' options, I broke down and bought a Drobo 5N, did a disk migration, and registered the new Drobo. At this point, I have the exact same problem with the new unit. Drobo 5N is visible in dashboard, green status on drives, and I can see the shares but not mount them. Neither of our home computers (Windows 7 and Windows 8.1) can see the Drobo and Drobo 5N will not mount drives. Still working with Drobo Tech Support, but all initial efforts have not changed the issue.

Start Drobo 5N

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -03:24 PM Unfortunately, there was no solution to my problem, so I sent the unit back to Amazon and got a brand new one the following day. Now every time the 3.2.1 firmware update notice pops up on the dashboard, I make sure to click NO. So far, so good. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -04:13 PM ( 03:24 PM)juanrojodesign Wrote: Unfortunately, there was no solution to my problem, so I sent the unit back to Amazon and got a brand new one the following day. Now every time the 3.2.1 firmware update notice pops up on the dashboard, I make sure to click NO. So far, so good. Wait, so are you saying you had the 'cannot mount issue', returned your Drobo, got a new one from Amazon which still had the older firmware and can see the shares with that one if you do not update the firmware?

I never tried this since the first thing it says to do for disk pack migration is upgrade both drobos before you transfer the drives. Of course, at this point I cannot mount my shares (old or new ones). RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -05:14 PM That's what happened. I got the new unit from Amazon with firmware version 3.1.1.

Tech support contacted me to find out how my replacement unit was working out. I told them that it was working fine with the old firmware, so they asked me to please update to the latest firmware (3.2.3) and Dashboard (2.6.9). I figured that if the unit went dark again, I would send it back to Amazon and ask for a refund this time. So far (4 hours in), all shares are still mounted and the unit still shows up both on Dashboard and the finder. However, Dashboard updated the firmware to version 3.2.2 and when I click on the 'check for updates' button, it says that I have the latest firmware and software versions.

NOTE: I didn't do a pack migration, I had to copy all information over from my old 2nd Gen Drobo (on both occasions). ( 04:13 PM)mcduck Wrote: ( 03:24 PM)juanrojodesign Wrote: Unfortunately, there was no solution to my problem, so I sent the unit back to Amazon and got a brand new one the following day. Now every time the 3.2.1 firmware update notice pops up on the dashboard, I make sure to click NO. So far, so good.

Wait, so are you saying you had the 'cannot mount issue', returned your Drobo, got a new one from Amazon which still had the older firmware and can see the shares with that one if you do not update the firmware? I never tried this since the first thing it says to do for disk pack migration is upgrade both drobos before you transfer the drives. Of course, at this point I cannot mount my shares (old or new ones). RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -02:52 AM The 'cannot mount issue' came back from the dead with the firmware update 3.2.3 on my Drobo 5N.

I do think it is rather a problem with the Dashboard instead of the drobo firmware, that got updated at the same time to 2.6.9(74648), because I also got a Drobo FS and both the Drobo 5N and FS have the Share mounting problem since the Dashboard update, but only the 5N got the 3.2.3 update, the FS did not get updated in a while. Still I got the problem on both. Also a quick fix on a mac would be to go on your network in the finder and manually mount your shares, the Drobo are still available from there. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -10:32 AM Lameth-1, Are you saying once you updated the firmware and dashboard on your Drobo, the Dashboard recognizes the Drobo but when you click to Mount a Share you get 'cannot mount Share'? But you can manually mount via the finder. Thank you for clarifying. Also did you create a case?

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -04:45 PM ( 10:32 AM)DroboMod Wrote: Lameth-1, Are you saying once you updated the firmware and dashboard on your Drobo, the Dashboard recognizes the Drobo but when you click to Mount a Share you get 'cannot mount Share'? But you can manually mount via the finder. Thank you for clarifying. Also did you create a case? Since I updated (DashBoard at 2.6.9 and 5N to 3.2.3) and restarted my computer, the drobos (a 5N and a FS) are recognised by the dashboard but I cannot mount the shares by clicking the little empty square in the dashboard of the drobos. By looking at my local network in the finder I can still see the 5N and the FS and therefore I can mount the share this way. Strangely, even when the shares are mounted this way, they do not appear as mounted in the dashboard.

I did not create a case, but would happily do so if you pinpoint me on how to do it, never had to do it before. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -08:41 AM A quick reply after trying to solve this issue.

I can connect to the Drobo5N using an AFP share, but it does not work using a SMB share. Not at all, even if I try directly using the IP of the drobo. Therefore, my Sonos cannot connect on the drobo at all (Sonos uses SMB to connect, not AFP protocol). What is strange though is that my Plex server on my 5N, using the Plex Drobo App, does still work and can still be usable/streamable on my network.

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -08:37 PM Folks, I had the same issue and this is how I solved it. Note: I have ssh access and I also have sudo. After a firmware update, I noticed that Dashboard could see the Drobo, but the shares were not mountable and I couldn't see the Drobo on the network. When I logged in via ssh, I noticed that smbd and nmbd (samba daemons) were not running. So I started them manually: /etc/init.d/initsamba This fixed the problem, but only until the next reboot. I then manually upgraded to 3.3.0 and this still did not solve my problem.

Since I'm not a busybox expert, I couldn't fully decode the init sequence but I did discover that initsamba was sensitive to.how soon after boot it was started. I also observed that I would get an error from the initsamba script about being unable to create a directory. I edited initsamba I changed mkdir $1 to mkdir -p $1 Note: I did this quite early on in my debugging, it may not be required, but I was too lazy to back it out! On my system, I found that it needed about 2 minutes.

So, I edited /etc/init.d/rcS and added the lines at the end: #Shiv hacks #Start SMB, but wait a bit for name services etc sleep 120 /etc/init.d/initsamba And now my system works fine. I find this whole thing to be VERY BIZARRE. I've been using Drobos for 5+ years and have never experienced anything like this.

No idea what is going on in Drobo R&D and Support. But I thought I would share anyway since I was going CRAZY. Cheers, Shiv RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:41 AM this is interesting, it reminds me a bit of the windows delayed services options RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -08:28 AM ( 09:49 AM)davel23 Wrote: Something to try for anyone experiencing a similar problem who can't get a resolution from Drobo 'support'. Thanks dude this worked for me after the 5.7.1 firmware upgrade same issue RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -11:13 AM The latest 5N firmware is 3.5.7, and it has addressed some issues with SMB connectivity. Jason RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -06:22 PM I too get the same problem with 5N and the new 3.5.7. After a while (random), I loose connection to the 5N.

I see the Drobo in the Dashboard, but the shares are not accessible. I need to reboot the Drobo to see the shares again. Never had that issue with the previous firmware. We need a fix. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -06:16 PM We do want to help you. Would you create a support incident or send an email to followup@drobo.com so we may assist and gather the necessary data to resolve this issue.

DroboMod ( 06:22 PM)equifoto@embarqmail.com Wrote: I too get the same problem with 5N and the new 3.5.7. After a while (random), I loose connection to the 5N.

I see the Drobo in the Dashboard, but the shares are not accessible. I need to reboot the Drobo to see the shares again. Never had that issue with the previous firmware.

We need a fix. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -07:51 PM Seems to be that the cost of ownership for a small business is simply too high.

And if you are not a business and looking for a consumer solution, there are better options out there. RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -04:03 PM ( 06:02 PM)davel23 Wrote: When I opened Drobo dashboard today I got a notice that firmware 3.2.1 was available and asked if I wanted to update my device. I'm normally wary of updates like this, as my 5N has been running well with its current firmware, but I figured what the hell, Drobo must know what it's doing, they wouldn't push out an update without extensive testing. After all, ALL their customer's data is at risk here. So I went ahead and initiated the update. It seemed to complete successfully and prompted for a reboot of the device.

I told it to go ahead and waited for it to come back up. It did so and reappeared in the dashboard except now I can't access any data on it. Even the default 'Public' share is inaccessible even if I remap it through the dashboard. Needless to say I am NOT happy, and Drobo's support options are woefully lacking. I tried calling their support number and was told since I don't have Drobocare I should open a ticket on the website.

I tried that and got a message saying ' We see you have encountered an error while trying to access your account. Please email your first and last name, username and phone number to us at sso@drobo.com'. I attempted to initiate a support chat session and got this message: 'We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our operators are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we'll get back to you shortly.' So apparently the only way to access support is via email, with no indication of when or if my issue will be addressed.

At this point I have no idea if I will ever be able to access my data again. Not a good impression from a company that wants you to trust it with your data.

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -06:48 PM ( 09:49 AM)davel23 Wrote: So, while Drobo's support staff were off enjoying their Easter leaving me without access to about 7 TB of data, I thought I'd do a little experimenting. While the existing shares were completely inaccessible from anywhere on my network I thought I'd try creating a new share and see if I could access that. Lo and behold, after creating a new share the old shares came back to life and access to my old data is apparently recovered.

Something to try for anyone experiencing a similar problem who can't get a resolution from Drobo 'support'. OMG Thanks!!! It worked perfectly!!

RE: Updated 5N to firmware 3.2.1, now unable to access shares -06:58 PM ( 06:48 PM)general01ca Wrote: OMG Thanks!!! It worked perfectly!! Just so you know, that's only a temporary fix. When your Drobo reboots your shares will disappear again. A more permanent 'fix' can be had by changing your Drobo's admin account name. For instance, I changed my admin account from 'Admin' to 'Drobo' and now the shares persist through a reboot. It would be nice if Drobo would come up with an actual firmware-based fix for this, but I guess that's asking too much.